Tirbi is a remote cache implementation that is compatible with the remote caching feature of turborepo. It supports storing cached assets on the file system, in memory, or in Google Cloud Storage bucket. Feel free to contribute other storage backends.
Tirbi can be used either as a command line server, or as a fastify plugin.
Run tirbi server:
npx tirbi
This starts server that allows any authentication token and stores cached data in memory.
Run a build with turborepo that uses tirbi as cache:
yarn turbo run build \
--team=not_used --token="anything" --remote-only \
The turbo build should be loading and saving cached artifacts to the tirbi server.
Run tirbi --help
to see the list of command line options.
The server can also be configured using environment variables:
- Host to bind toPORT
- Port to bind toSTORAGE
- Storage URITOKEN
- An auth token
Tirbi exports a tirbiPlugin
object that is a fastify plugin:
import fastify from 'fastify';
import { tirbiPlugin } from 'tirbi';
async function main() {
const server = fastify({ logger: true });
await server.register(tirbiPlugin, {
storage: { kind: 'memory' },
tokens: ['s3cr3t'],
await server.listen(3030, '');
Have a look in cli.ts
to see how the tirbi CLI starts a
Interface describing the options of the fastify plugin.
- (optional) an array of allowed authorization tokens as strings. If omitted, authorization tokens will not be checked.storage
- an object configuring the storage backend. SeeStorageOptions
There are TypeScript types for the supported storage backends:
- Options for file system storage backend.MemoryStorageOptions
- Options for in-memory storage backend.GcsStorageOptions
- Options for Google Cloud Storage backend.StorageOptions
- The union of the backend option types.
Parse a URI string to a StorageOptions
object. Returns null if there if the
URI is invalid, or uses an unknown scheme. This function will never throw an
A fastify plugin. Takes a TirbiOptions
The following dockerfile lets you run tirbi in docker:
FROM node:16-alpine3.14
RUN npm install -g tirbi
CMD ["tirbi"]
Use environment variables the control the settings of the server.
Tirbi has been tested with turborepo versions 1.2.1-1.2.16 and 1.3.0-1.3.1
- Turborepo requires a
to be set when using remote caches. tirbi ignores the team setting, so it can be set to anything - There's a bug that only lets you pass in a single auth token to tirbi when using environment variables.
- Turborepo sends requests to an
URL, with information about what it's been doing. Tirbi ignores this call, so it will turn up in the logs as a 404 request.
The cli listens for requests to /healthz
, end replies with a 204. This is
useful if running in docker or other managed platforms that probes a service for
its liveness status.
To get nicely formatted logs on the command line, use
tirbi | pino-pretty
yarn lint-staged
Can be invoked with yarn release
yarn release --release-as major
yarn release --release-as minor
yarn release --release-as patch
yarn release --prerelease
After this is done, use the following:
git push --follow-tags origin main && npm publish --tag prerelease