brew install clang-format # format c/c++/java... code
brew install vim
brew install cmake xz # need by YouCompleteMe
brew install ctags
brew install npm
brew install nodejs
npm -g install instant-markdown-d # for vim-instant-markdown
brew install the_silver_searcher # faster code search tool than ack
apt install vim-nox # some plugins need python supported
apt install exuberant-ctags
apt install cmake
apt install clang-format
apt install silversearcher-ag
apt install npm xdg-utils curl nodejs-legacy
npm -g install instant-markdown-d
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
rm -rf $HOME/.vim
echo > $HOME/.vimrc
vim-airline - fantastic status line
You need to select a font from
for your terminal's non-ascii font. And keeplet g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1
cp $HOME/.vim/dotfiles/ /path/to/your/project/
- Clang-Format
clang-format -style=Google -dump-config > /path/to/your/project/.clang-format
cp -r $HOME/.vim/dotfiles/.vimprj /path/to/your/project/
- F4: toggle tagbar
- F5: while CtrlP is active, to re-index CtrlP
- ctrl-p: toggle ctrlp
- ctrl-f | ctrl-b: switch between ctrlp's tabs
- ctrl-y: after opening ctrlp, create new file
- ctrl-o: after opening ctrlp, provide a list ways in which file will be open
- F6: toggle nerdtree
- B: while NERDTree is active, to see your bookmarks above the file tree, then type
to open the bookmark - F8: switch back and forth between buffers
: jump to specify buffernw | ;hw | ;jw | ;kw | ;lw
:switch between windows;q
: quit vim;w
: save current buffer;WQ
: save all and quit vim;Q
: don't save and force quit;jc
: jump to declaration(YouCompleteMe);jd
: jump to definition(YouCompleteMe);sf
: active CtrlSF;ud
: toggle gundo plugin- more about mapping, please type
in vimrc
- YouCompleteMe only support jump in a translate unit or
files, but we can use CtrlSF instead to jump between definition and declaration.
- use-vim-as-ide - I mainly refer to this site
- awesome-vim
- asins/vimcdoc - 中文帮助文档,如果需要请打开注释
Plug 'asins/vimcdoc'
- vim-plug - manager vim plugins
- vim-instant-markdown
- ggreer/the_silver_searcher - ag for plugin ctrlsf.vim
- dyng/ctrlsf.vim - powerful refactor tool with plugin vim-multiple-cursors
- terryma/vim-multiple-cursors
- ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim - powerful file finder