Code base implements the publisher -subscriber design pattern using WCF service with wsDualHttpBinding
- Deploy the service to IIS at http://localhost/publisher/ and test the access of http://localhost/publisher/service.svc
- Rebuild the project in Debug / Release mode
- Go to ~/PublisherSubscriber\Subscriber\bin\Debug and run Subscriber.exe with Administrator rights
- Run the MVC4 application Information source on browser
- Fill the message parts and hit send
- Check if the message was published on the Subscriber console
- This application publish messages to n number of Subscriber consoles
- Implement Unity IoC container to for the dependency injection across all the applications
- Create Unit test cases for Service, Information Source and Subscriber
- Use mocking framework to test the WCF service
- Load testing
- Preserve the messages and setup a message queue to deliver the message later on just in case any client is down