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Using the MQTT set commands

Robert van den Breemen edited this page Jan 8, 2022 · 2 revisions

With release 0.9.1 a list of set commands have been added to the MQTT set topic list. So from now on you can control your OTGW through MQTT using a list of logical names "set command" topics.

In the table below is the list of all the set commands available to you, and how they translate to the OTGW commands.

settopic OTGW command send value
command string
setpoint TT temp = [number e.g. 20.5]
constant TC temp = [number e.g. 20.5]
outside OT temp = [number e.g. 20.5]
hotwater HW temp = [number e.g. 20.5]
gatewaymode GW on = 1 or off = R or 0
setback SB temp = [number e.g. 20.5]
maxchsetpt SH temp = [number e.g. 20.5]
maxdhwsetpt SW temp = [number e.g. 20.5]
maxmodulation MM level = [0-100]%
ctrlsetpt CS temp = [number e.g. 20.5]
ctrlsetpt2 C2 temp = [number e.g. 20.5]
chenable CH on = 1 or off = 0
chenable2 H2 on = 1 or off = 0
ventsetpt VS level = [0-100]%
temperaturesensor TS function
addalternative AA function
delalternative DA function
unknownid UI function
knownid KI function
priomsg PM function
setresponse SR function
clearrespons CR function
resetcounter RS function
ignoretransitations IT function
overridehb OH function
forcethermostat FT function
voltageref VR function
debugptr DP function

To find out what all commands mean you should read Schelte's firmware command page:

So from 0.9.1 onward you can simply send the right command, using a right set command.

topic: OTGW/set/otgw-8CAAB55908D6/setpoint
value: 21.5

The firmware will receive the MQTT message from the set topic and forward it to the OTGW this: TT=21.5

The generic command set topic is still available, to make sure it's backward compatible to all pre-0.9.1 releases.

topic: OTGW/set/otgw-8CAAB55908D6/command
value: TT=21.5

The firmware will convert this to the same message for the OTGW: TT=21.5

This way your automation in Node-red or YAML will be more readable.