"If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said a faster Python" - Me, at some point
StoutLang was an experiment to build a language with a practical and easy to use (mostly hidden) effect type system. The goal was to be AOT compiled to LLVM, TypeScript looking syntax, Statically linked, and automatically parallelized.
I made some good headways, but decided to pivot to some more immediate opportunities. Hopefully I can revisit some day.
New to StoutLang? Start Here
brew install llvm@18
# ruby-ffi doesn't look at the right location
sudo mkdir -p /opt/local/
sudo ln -s $(brew --prefix llvm@18)/lib /opt/local/lib
./bin/run {.sl file path}
./bin/run examples/test2.sl
./bin/build {.sl file path} {output file path}
./bin/build examples/test2.sl test
./bin/build core/core.sl builds/core --lib --aot
lldb -- lli ./builds/test5.ll
Run with --ir -O0 to see the LLVM IR with deadcode eliminated