A refactor of Dr StrangePete's work with some bugfixes and orchestration.
We will be using poetry to manage the python scripts.
Assemble multiple missions, per map using the same codebase.
Edit this one, not the mission folders.
Create the mission folders and appropriate symlinks.
poetry.exe run setup_missions
Handle writing the map names on the images
- image should be 1024 x 512 png
- Top text will be map name, fontsize 120
- Bottom Text will be "Hell-Heli Refactored" in fontsize 60
Generate the base image used by each map
poetry.exe run produce_images --name Reshmaan
older scripts
poetry.exe run memetext --image images/wreck.png --bottom "hell-heli refactored" --fontsize 60 --save wreck2.png
Generate the map specific image, later converted to .paa for the mission
poetry.exe run memetext --image images/wreck_overview.png --fontsize 120 --top "Weferlingen (Winter)" --save images/weferlingen_winter.png
Generate the .jpg used for workshop preview, but it in c:\images for simplicity
poetry.exe run memetext --image images/wreck_overview.png --fontsize 120 --top "Weferlingen (Winter)" --save /c:/images/weferlingen_winter.jpg
- https://store.steampowered.com/app/233800/Arma_3_Tools/
- https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ImageToPAA
- https://paa.gruppe-adler.de/
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools\ImageToPAA
ImageToPAA --help
$ ./ImageToPAA.exe --help
Arguments used:
Usage: pal2pace [options] <source> [<destination>]
vt7 example
./ImageToPAA.exe c:/images/vt7.jpg /c:/images/vt7.paa