Missing react cli.
npm i -g @strax77/reactcmd
reactcmd g c <name> [dir]
Generate new component
name Name of the component [string] [required]
dir Directory of the component [string]
--version Show version number [boolean]
-s, --style Styling. Detected automatically
[string] [choices: "sc", "emotion", "aphrodite", "radium", "styled-jsx",
"linaria", "less", "css", "stylus", "sass"]
--cssmodules, --cssm Use CSS modules? [boolean]
--classname, --cn CSS class [string]
--ugly Disable styling? [boolean]
-t, --tag JSX tag [string] [default: "div"]
--pure Memoize the component? [boolean]
--sb Create stories? [boolean]
--test Create tests? [boolean]
--cc Class component? [boolean]
--fc Functional component? [boolean]
--componentfile, --cfile Name of the component file
[string] [default: "index"]
--stylefile, --sfile Name of the style file
[string] [default: "styles"]
--testfile, --tfile Name of the test file [string] [default: "test"]
--storiesfile, --sbfile Name of the stories file
[string] [default: "stories"]
--mobx Wrap in mobx observer? [boolean]
--redux Wrap in redux connect? [boolean]
--testlib Testing library. Detected automatically
[string] [choices: "rtl", "enzyme"]
--testrunner Test runner. Detected automatically
[string] [choices: "jest"]
-l, --lang Language. Detected automatically
[string] [choices: "js", "ts"]
--dry Do not write generated files to disk [boolean]
-y Auto confirm all prompts [boolean]
-q, --quite Suppress output [boolean]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
reactcmd g next p <path> [dir]
Generate new next.js page
path Path to the page relative to next.js pages folder. Examples:
article/[slug], index [string] [required]
dir Next.js pages folder [string] [default: "pages"]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--gsp getStaticProps? [boolean]
--gsps getStaticPaths? [boolean]
--gssp getServerSideProps? [boolean]
-l, --lang Language. Detected automatically [string] [choices: "js", "ts"]
-t, --tag JSX tag [string] [default: "div"]
--pure Memoize the component? [boolean]
--cc Class component? [boolean]
--fc Functional component? [boolean]
--mobx Wrap in mobx observer? [boolean]
--redux Wrap in redux connect? [boolean]
--dry Do not write generated files to disk [boolean]
-y Auto confirm all prompts [boolean]
-q, --quite Suppress output [boolean]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
reactcmd uses cosmiconfig to search for the configuration file. Supported formats:
file in the project root folderreactcmd
key in package.json
"srcDir": "./src",
"lang": "ts",
"commands": {
"generateComponent": {
"style": "less",
"pure": true,
reactcmd setup config