This library for Android projects adds Greasemonkey-compatible user script support to standard WebView components (version 2.2+).
- Download the source and import it in Eclipse.
- Add it as library in your Android projects (Properties -> Android).
- Create a new ScriptStoreSQLite object for script and value persistence, or implement your own ScriptStore.
- Make the WebView class that you want to run scripts in extend WebViewGm, or use the ScriptBrowser class in the UI package.
- Handle the management of scripts using the classes in the UI package, or extend them, or implement your own.
The WebViewGmImpl class contains an implementation of the library and all its components. It uses a single WebView for both the download of user scripts and running them.
Missing GM functions: GM_xmlhttpRequest, GM_getResourceText, GM_getResourceURL, GM_registerMenuCommand, GM_openInTab, GM_info See
Missing metablock header interpretation/implementation: @require, @resource See
Improvement of the user interface.
Fork the repository and send a pull request: