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Releases: saalfeldlab/paintera


07 Feb 19:49
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Bug Fixes

  • Fragment-segment-assignment LUT (de-)serialization (#198, #199)


04 Feb 19:37
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Bug Fixes

  • out of bounds error when painting outside viewer window (#196, #197)


01 Feb 20:17
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Bug Fixes

  • remove unmaintained command line args (#189)
  • channel-wise min/max from min/max attributes in PainteraShowContainer (#192)
  • apply screen scales changes in PainteraShowContainer (#193)
  • fix tiled rendering artifacts (boundary lines because of interpolation #195)


21 Dec 19:49
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This release adds more command line arguments to PainteraShowContainer to enhance channel source visualization and selections of datasets to be loaded:

  • Explicitly specify the channels of an N5 dataset that should be grouped into a source via the --channels option (#177).
  • Add --include/--exclude options to show only a subset of data sets inside a container (#178)

0.8.4: compilation bug fixes and show labels in PainteraShowContainer

18 Dec 19:47
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Bug fixes:

  • build with oracle jdk10 (#173)
  • false-positive eclipse oxygen compiler error (#173)
  • opening label data in PainteraShowContainer (#174, #175)


27 Nov 20:35
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Paintera-0.8.3 adds two bug-fixes:

  • PainteraShowContainer unable to show N5 files (#170, #171)
  • FragmentSegmentAssignmentOnlyLocal logging output to verbose in DEBUG (06111f8)


26 Nov 19:49
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Paintera-0.8.2 fixes issues related to opening and (de-)serializing datasets.

Bug Fixes

  • Load label sources without maxId attribute, choose one of the following when opening or de-serializing dataset (#165):
    1. Do not use id service: Cannot paint with new id or merge/detach fragments.
    2. Specify maxId manually: User's responsibility to be conistent with data.
    3. Scan data for maxId: might still be inconsistent with label-block-lookup.
  • Ensure Java process stops when closing Paintera (#160, #166):
    • Make dataset discovery handler/main thread daemon thread.
    • Only scan for datasets if selected directory is a valid n5 container (has attributes.json with "n5" attribute).
    • Stop dataset discovery when Cancel is pressed in dialog.
    • Make all ExecutorServices in PainteraBaseView daemon.
  • Use writers only for HDF5 sources (#168, #166)
  • Add option to generate 3D meshes from entire dataset if no label-block-lookup is provided
  • (De-)Serialize LabelSourceState agnostic of N5 -- keep fallback but emit warning if appropriate (#167, #166).
  • Remove fat profile (use jgo instead)

0.8.1 Fix (mostly scalar label type related) bugs

14 Nov 16:40
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Bug fixes, mostly scalar label type related:

  • BUG: scalar label type data can not be re-loaded when opening paintera project (#162)
  • BUG: 3D flood fill fails with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException for scalar label types
  • BUG: canvas can not be committed for scalar label types (#118)
  • ISSUE: user has no information about state of committing canvas (only in terminal output) -- add dialogs to indicate state

0.8.0: Auto-detect source state ui elements and some bug-fixes

09 Nov 13:07
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  • Use realpath of user.home when initializing current N5 dataset in open dialog (#157)
  • clean-up code and add JavaDoc for some classes
  • add auto-detection for source state ui elements

0.7.0: Auto detect json adapters

24 Oct 13:01
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With auto detection of json adapters, custom sources and states can now be added to paintera and still be serialized!