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code Adaptive Gaussian Sum Filter
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Gabriel Terejanu committed Oct 3, 2016
1 parent d2869dc commit 995b5bc
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Showing 144 changed files with 18,658 additions and 0 deletions.
51 changes: 51 additions & 0 deletions ComputeFPE_QP_UT_noPG.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
function [MM, NN] = ComputeFPE_QP_UT_noPG(weig, mu, sig, model, time, tk)

% compute matrix MM
MM = zeros(length(weig));
MMtmp = MM;
for i = 1 : length(weig)
for j = i+1 : length(weig)
MMtmp(i,j) = getLikelihood(mu{i}-mu{j}, sig{i}+sig{j});
MM(i,i) = 1/sqrt(det(4.*pi.*sig{i}));
MM = MM + MMtmp + MMtmp';
MM = MM/time.dt^2;

% compute matrix NN
NN = zeros(length(weig));

for i = 1 : length(weig)
for j = 1 : length(weig)

SigC = inv(inv(sig{i}) + inv(sig{j}));
muC = SigC*(inv(sig{i})*mu{i} + inv(sig{j})*mu{j});
cC = getLikelihood(mu{i}-mu{j},sig{i}+sig{j});

% sigma = SRUKF_getSigmaPoints(muC, chol(SigC)', model.fn, 10^-4);
sigma = IUT_getSigmaPoints(muC, chol(SigC)', model.fn);

for k = 1 : length(sigma)
x = sigma(k).x;

[pg, dpgdx, ddpgdx, dpgdmu, dpgdsig] = GaussianPDF_noPG(x, mu{j}, sig{j});

myX = [mu{j}; reshape(sig{j}, numel(sig{j}), 1)];
myDX = EKF_propagation(time.tspan(tk), myX, model);
mudot = myDX(1:model.fn);
sigdot = reshape(myDX(model.fn+1:end), model.fn, model.fn);

dpgidt = dpgdmu'*mudot + trace(dpgdsig*sigdot);

fx = feval(model.fx, time.tspan(tk), x);
Jx = feval([model.fx '_jac'], time.tspan(tk), x);
dopgi_dot = - dpgdx' * fx - trace(Jx) + 1/2*trace(model.Q * ddpgdx); % pg*trace(Jx)

Pi = 1/time.dt; % Pk(j) = pg/time.dt;
Lj = dpgidt - dopgi_dot - 1/time.dt; % Lk(j) = dpgidt - dopgi_dot - pg/time.dt;

NN(i,j) = NN(i,j) + sigma(k).W*Pi*Lj;
NN(i,j) = NN(i,j)*cC;
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions EKF_measurement_update.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
function [omu, osig, z_mu, z_sig] = EKF_measurement_update(myfilter, model, imu, isig, T, opt, ymeas)
% EKF Measurement Update
% Gabriel Terejanu ([email protected])

z_mu = feval(model.hx, imu);
h = feval([model.hx '_jac'], imu);
z_sig = h*isig*h';

gain = isig * h' * inv(z_sig + model.R);
osig = isig - gain*h*isig;
omu = imu + gain*(ymeas - z_mu);
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions EKF_propagation.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
function dx = EKF_propagation(t, x, model)

n = model.fn;

mu = x(1:n);
sig = reshape(x(n+1:end),n,n);

F = feval([model.fx '_jac'], t, mu);
sig = F*sig + sig*F' + model.Q;
mu = feval(model.fx, t, mu);

dx = [mu; reshape(sig, numel(sig), 1)];
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions EKF_time_update.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
function [omu, osig] = EKF_time_update(myfilter, model, imu, isig, T, opt)
% EKF Time Update
% Gabriel Terejanu ([email protected])

n = model.fn;

myX = [imu; reshape(isig, numel(isig), 1)];
[t,y] = ode45(@EKF_propagation, T, myX, opt, model);

myY = y(end,:);
omu = myY(1:n)';
osig = reshape(myY(n+1:end),n,n);
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions GaussianPDF_noPG.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
function [pg, dpgdx, ddpgdx, dpgdmu, dpgdsig] = GaussianPDF_noPG(x,mu,sig)

r = x - mu;
pg = getLikelihood(r, sig);
isig = pinv(sig);

dpgdmu = isig*r; % <-- pg has been removed
dpgdsig = 1/2 * (isig*r*r'*isig - isig); % <-- pg has been removed
dpgdx = -dpgdmu;
ddpgdx = 2*dpgdsig;
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions IUT_getSigmaPoints.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
function sigma = IUT_getSigmaPoints(x, S, n)

alpha = normpdf(2)/normpdf(1);
beta = normpdf(3)/normpdf(1);

% # of sigma points to be generated = 6*n+1

sigma(1).x = x;
sigma(1).W = 1 - n*(1+alpha+beta)/(1+4*alpha+9*beta);

for i = 1 : n
sigma(i+1).x = x + S(:,i);
sigma(i+1).W = 1/(2+8*alpha+18*beta);
sigma(i+n+1).x = x - S(:,i);
sigma(i+n+1).W = 1/(2+8*alpha+18*beta);

sigma(i+2*n+1).x = x + 2*S(:,i);
sigma(i+2*n+1).W = alpha/(2+8*alpha+18*beta);
sigma(i+3*n+1).x = x - 2*S(:,i);
sigma(i+3*n+1).W = alpha/(2+8*alpha+18*beta);

sigma(i+4*n+1).x = x + 3*S(:,i);
sigma(i+4*n+1).W = beta/(2+8*alpha+18*beta);
sigma(i+5*n+1).x = x - 3*S(:,i);
sigma(i+5*n+1).W = beta/(2+8*alpha+18*beta);
37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions PF_meas_update.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
function [X_new, w_new] = PF_meas_update(X_old, w_old, model, pf, ymeas)
% Particle Filter Measurement Update
% X_new - the new set of particles after reweighting and resampling if necessary
% Gabriel Terejanu ([email protected])

%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
% weights update
mX_pf = zeros(, pf.no_particles);
w_new = zeros(size(w_old));
for j = 1 : pf.no_particles
% get the measurement
mX_pf(:,j) = feval(model.hx, X_old(:,j));
w_new(j) = w_old(j) * getLikelihood(ymeas - mX_pf(:,j), model.R);
w_new = w_new./sum(w_new);
X_new = X_old;

%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
% resampling
if (pf.resample)
Neff = 1/sum(w_new.^2);
if (Neff < pf.neff * pf.no_particles)
I = myresampling(w_new);
I = round(I);
for j = 1 : pf.no_particles
X_new(:,j) = X_old(:,I(j));
% reset weights
w_new = ones(1,pf.no_particles)/pf.no_particles;


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