A software complying with many design rules, principles, patterns, and anti-patterns. With a fully Relational Database Design.
Everything you will see in the UI is hand-customized with CSS. Which makes UI look elegant.
The software is built focusing on Design Rules, Design Patterns and Anti-patterns and SOLID software design principles.
I have implemented many design patterns where necessary. Including Singleton, Observable, and MVC.
I have used caching of date to reduce the overhead of fetching data over and over again from the database. The data is loaded only once from the database, then a local copy of the data is created. After that, if we need data for other parts of the UI, we can simply use data from the local copy instead of fetching it from the database again. So, it makes UI highly responsive.
Database: H2 Database
IDEs: IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate and DataGrip Ultimate Edition
Languages: Java 15, JavaFX 15, SQL
Libraries: ControlsFX, AnimationFX, JFoenix
Build Tool: Gradle