- Spins up an EC2 Ubuntu Focal (:heart:)
- Configures it with my most used softwares - VSCode,NMap,Nuclei,Semgrep,awscli,terraform and some pentest tools.
- Configures the IDE on a domain of your choice, provided its configured in Route53.
- Have a Source IP restriction such that it is accessible only from a specific IP Address like my home ip.
- Firstly, you need a hosted zone in your Route53 , for this fire the below command using an privileged user in AWS.
aws route53 create-hosted-zone --name www.domain.com --caller-reference $(date +%s)
if you have a sub-domain, you can enter the sub-domain too , but your Domain Authority must support DNS delegation for sub-domains.
Fire the following command to setup the variables
mv terraform.auto.tfvars.bak terraform.auto.tfvars
Populate the
file with requisite parameter values -
Being in the same directory as this repository, fire the following command
terraform init && terraform apply --auto-approve
- To destroy the environment fire the following command
terraform destroy --auto-approve
- Destroy the Hosted Zone else you'll be charged $0.5 USD per month
aws route53 delete-hosted-zone --id $(aws route53 list-hosted-zones --query "HostedZones[?Name == 'www.domain.com.'].Id" --output text | sed 's|/hostedzone/||')