The NodeJS implementation of Sakai OAE
The following guide will take you through the necessary steps to set up the back-end for Sakai OAE.
Start by forking and cloning the repository onto your local machine, instructions can be found here.
Download and install the latest version of node.js.
Once you have successfully cloned the repository and installed node.js, run the following commands in order to install all required dependencies. More information about npm can be found here.
cd your-sakai-repo-dir
npm install -d
Download and install the latest version of cassandra. Once downloaded and extracted in a directory of your choice, run the following commands to create the necessary folders that cassandra needs to run.
cd your-cassandra-dir
sudo mkdir -p /var/log/cassandra
sudo chown -R `whoami` /var/log/cassandra
sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/cassandra
sudo chown -R `whoami` /var/lib/cassandra
When that is complete, you can start up Cassandra in the background:
cd your-cassandra-dir
bin/cassandra -f
Download and install (or compile) the latest version of redis.
Once installed, start the server by running the redis-server
ElasticSearch can be downloaded here. By default, Hilary will expect ElasticSearch to be available on its default port: 9200.
Once you've installed ElasticSearch, you can start it up in the background:
cd your-elasticsearch-dir
RabbitMQ can be downloaded here. By default, Hilary will expect RabbitMQ to be available on its default port: 5672.
Once installed, you can start up RabbitMQ in the background by running rabbitmq-server -detached
, assuming rabbitmq-server is on your PATH.
All that remains now is booting the server.
On OS X: sudo port install graphicsmagick On Linux: sudo apt-get install graphicsmagick GraphicsMagick is used to crop profile pictures and is a requirement if you wish to run the tests successfully.
cd your-sakai-repo-dir
node app.js
And that's it, the server should now be up and running!
You can access the admin page at http://localhost:2000/admin.html and login with administrator - administrator
We're looking forward to seeing your contributions to the Sakai OAE project!