A project for programming class (year 1, term 2) at Charles University, Prague.
Sake is an arcade-like multiplayer game, that uses monogame C# library. Last snake slithering wins.
In order to run the game, server must be also running.
To run server, you have to build and run server project. There are 3 commands in the server program:
- lobby: puts server in a lobby state, enabling users to connect. Max 4 players are supported.
- game: starts the game
- quit: terminates the program
First you have to configure IP address of the server in the Settings.settings file in the Sake project (use "localhost"
for localhost)
To run the game, build and run Sake project. Then wait for the server to star the game.
Do not terminate the program until the game ends, the server will crash (a feature, not a bug ( ° ͜ʖ °) ).
Use right and left arrow to turn.
It is not recommended to publish the game yet, any sort of configuration is missing, so in order to change server IP address or game paramateres, you have to change the code