This project has moved to
A library of RDF vocabularies generated from RDF schema and web ontologies (OWL) using the ruby-rdf vocab-loader.
See the list of rake tasks in the vocab
namespace for specific vocabulary generators.
- RDF::Vocab::ACL - Web Access Control (W3C)
- RDF::Vocab::Bibframe - Bibliographic Framework Initiative (LoC)
- RDF::Vocab::CRM - CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model (CRM); ISO 21127:2014
- RDF::Vocab::DataCite - DataCite Ontology
- RDF::Vocab::DWC - Darwin Core
- RDF::Vocab::EDM - Europeana Data Model
- RDF::Vocab::Fcrepo3 (module) - Fedora Commons Repository 3*
- RDF::Vocab::Fcrepo4 - Fedora Commons Repository 4 Ontology
- RDF::Vocab::IANA - Link Relations (IANA)
- RDF::Vocab::Identifiers - Standard Identifiers Scheme (LoC)
- RDF::Vocab::LDP - Linked Data Platform (W3C)
- RDF::Vocab::MADS - Metadata Authority Description Schema (LoC)
- RDF::Vocab::MARCRelators - MARC Code List for Relators (LoC)
- RDF::Vocab::MODS - Metadata Object Description Schema (LoC)
- RDF::Vocab::OA - Open Annotation Data Model (W3C)
- RDF::Vocab::ORE - Object Reuse and Exchange Ontology (OAI)
- RDF::Vocab::PREMIS::V1 - Preservation Metadata Implementation Strategies (PREMIS) Ontology (LoC)
- RDF::Vocab::PROV - PROV Ontology (W3C)
- RDF::Vocab::PremisEventType - PREMIS Event Type (LoC)
- The Fcrepo3 module was extracted from ActiveFedora, so does not have a generator task.
Add to your Gemfile
gem "rdf-vocab"
bundle install
NOTE: rdf-vocab versions <= 0.7.0 are not compatible with linkeddata
>= 1.1.11.
require "rdf-vocab"
This will load all the vocabulary classes in the library.