A working Web Application for ChEBI Role visualisation. It is a implementation of Collapasible tree from D3 visualization library.
Features of this new ChEBI Role ontology visualization:
- Different types of "relationships" are depicted in different colour (more relationship types can be added depending on our needs).
- The "selected" node is depicted in Green.
- The tree is automatically centered visually with respect to the recently clicked node.
- The tree structure can be dragged with ease, along with the "tooltip" if opened previously.
- The "Focus" button, when clicked, brings back the visualization back to center of the screen with respect to the recently clicked node.
- The checkbox "Show all Children", when checked will displays all the children. Otherwise (by default) the tree displays only top 10 nodes for each parent depending on a filtering criteria.
- The "tooltip" displays information such as-
a. Name (with hyperlink)
b. Identifier (with hyperlink) c. Description d. Relationship e. Total children count f. Structure diagram if the node is a chemical structure
The visualisation shows the complete hierarchy for each entity. A working demo can be found here.
The following screenshot depicts the visualization in the Web application.
Technology used:
- D3 visualisation library
- Java
- JavaScript
4.Spring Framework (for Web-Application)