This is the codebase to be used with the Medium article located at:
It contains a DAG that will create a new GKE node pool, run 2 KubernetesPodOperator tasks, and then delete the created node pool.
In order to run this you will need to create a new Cloud Composer instance inside of your GCP project and then copy the contents of this repository into your DAGs Google Cloud Storage bucket.
Once that has been completed, refresh your Airflow UI and it will show up as a DAG named sample_dag_task_running_on_gke in there.
Creates a new GKE node pool.
etl_task, etl_task2
User-replaceable tasks that will load up an Ubuntu container that sleeps for 120 seconds and then exits.
Deletes the created node pool.
The number of nodes to provision inside the node pool. Default value is 3
The instance type for instances provisioned inside the node pool. Default value is e2-standard-8
This equates to a VM with 8 vCPUs and 32GB of RAM
The scopes that will be applied to the nodes inside the node pool. Default value is default,cloud-platform