QualityLaserTime Controller for the GenomeLaser project for Burning Man 2013.
Details here: http://genomelaser.com/
This project is running on libcinder (http://libcinder.org/);
The code in this repository is available under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported.
2013 Vincent Rebers, www.say-nono.com
libcinder (http://libcinder.org/) Cinder-Gwen (https://github.com/reakinator/Cinder-Gwen) Cinder-Ilda (https://github.com/saynono/CinderIlda)
- create workspace for cinder
- download cinder and copy the unzipped folder to the cinder workspace
- download Cinder-Gwen and Cinder-Ilda and unpack it inside the cinder_x.x.x_mac/block - folder.
- create second folder inside the cinder workspace called applications. this is the space where all user generated cinder stuff goes.
- best to use GitHubs mac tool to clone "QLT GenomeLaser" to the application folder.
- open QLT_GenomeLaser/xcode/QLT_GenomeLaser.xcodeproj
- change the CINDER_PATH in build settings according to your folder structure (to something like ../../../../Cinder_0.8.5_mac)
- xcode can't find Cinder-Gwen files: unfold Blocks in Navigator and click on Cinder-Gwen. Most likely it won't be linked correctly. So show the Utilities area and choose the right path in the Identity window (cinder_0.8.5_mac/blocks/Cinder-Gwen.
- xcode can't find Cinder-Ilda files: same here. Unfold Blocks in Navigator and click on Cinder-Ilda. Most likely it won't be linked correctly. So show the Utilities area and choose the right path in the Identity window (cinder_0.8.5_mac/blocks/Cinder-Ilda).
Ha, still at the very beginning but wearing the running shoes... So if there are any problems setting up stuff file it on github.