go-web is a collection of utilities for http servers written in Go.
It has the following packages:
- : Apache log function
- autogzip: An http.Handler that supports on-the-fly gzip encoding.
- handlers: A set of useful handlers which. Includes gzip functionality.
- middleware: useful middlewares for handling errors and authentication
- remux: A very simple request multiplexer that supports regular expressions.
- sse: Server-Sent Events, a.k.a. HTTP push notifications.
NOTE: go-web used to be an experimental fork of Go's net/http package. It's no longer a fork and now uses the standard http package, making it easier to be used along with Gorilla Toolkit and other packages.
There are some nice examples including a full featured web application with sign up, using MySQL and Redis for storage.
example/handlers contains step by step introduction to handlers package.
There's also some live stuff:
- freegeoip at http://freegeoip.net
- sse demo at http://cos.pe