Scaleset Geo is a Jackson module for mapping GeoJSON to/from JTS Geometry objects. Additionally, the library includes a simple Feature API for working with GeoJSON features and feature collections.
To read or write GeoJSON, simply register the GeoJsonModule with a Jackson ObjectMapper.
public void testSerdePoint() throws IOException {
Point point = factory.createPoint(new Coordinate(-78, 39));
String json = mapper.writeValueAsString(point);
assertEquals("{\"type\":\"Point\",\"coordinates\":[-78.0,39.0]}", json);
Point p2 = mapper.readValue(json, Point.class);
assertEquals(point, p2);
The module supports all valid GeoJSON geometry types.
- Point
- MultiPoint
- LineString
- MultiLineString
- Polygon
- MultiPolygon
- GeometryCollection
Scaleset Geo provides a minimal Feature API compatible with the GeoJSON data model.
- Feature - An object with identity, type, properties and a geometry.
- Feature Collection - A collection of Feature objects with an additional bounding box.
The following unit test creates a Feature object with a Point geometry and a single property.
public void testSimpleFeature() throws IOException {
Point point = factory.createPoint(new Coordinate(-78, 39));
Feature feature = new Feature();
feature.getProperties().put("title", "Simple Point Feature");
It then writes it to stdout as GeoJSON.
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"title": "Simple Point Feature"
GeoJSONParser is a streaming GeoJSON parser. It uses the Jackson's streaming API to parse arbitrarily large GeoJSON documents. Simple instantiate the parser and provide it with a handler to receive callbacks as each feature is encountered. It also provides callbacks for begin / end events as well as a bbox event for feature collections.
The following example uses a FeatureCollectionHandler to build a FeatureCollection from the GeoJSON document.
FeatureCollectionHandler handler = new FeatureCollectionHandler();
GeoJsonParser parser = new GeoJsonParser();
parser.parse(new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/features.json"));
FeatureCollection fc = handler.getCollection();
GeoCsvWriter is a streaming GeoJsonWriter. It uses Jackson's streaming API to write arbitrarily large GeoJSON documents.
FeatureCollection fc = parseFeatures();
GeoJsonWriter writer = new GeoJsonWriter();
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
for (Feature feature : fc.getFeatures()) {
String json = out.toString();
GeoCsvParser is a streaming parser for CSV files with a WKT geometry column. Compressed GeoCSV files can be much smaller than their equivalent zipped shapefiles. Unlike a zipped shapefile which requires unzipping before processing, GoCSV files be parsed directly. This makes them an ideal way to distribute geo data with your application.
FeatureCollectionHandler handler = new FeatureCollectionHandler();
GeoCsvParser parser = new GeoCsvParser().id("GEOID").wkt("WKT");
parser.parse(new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream("tl_2012_us_county.csv.gz")));
FeatureCollection fc = handler.getCollection();
GeoNamesParser is a streaming parser for the data files published by
Scaleset Geo is Apache 2.0 licensed.