Check it out on the docker hub:
Run this docker container as a service on your server to initiate a free Dynamic DNS solution on your own custom domains. Example docker run command:
docker run --name CloudFlareDDNS \
-e CF_HOST="__YOURURL__" \
-d sethcarstens/cloudflare-ddns
If you are developing locally, you may want to map the app folder.
docker run --name CloudFlareDDNS \
-v $(pwd)/app/:/root/app \
-e CF_HOST="__YOURURL__" \
-dit cf -dit sethcarstens/cloudflare-ddns
Where do I find my CloudFlare API key? Visit this support article for help finding your API key.
All services are defined and managed using the phusion/baseimage methodology. Logs are output using syslog and can be accessed using docker logs {container}
- Node.JS (wheezy)
- XTERM environment support w/colors
- dnsutils
- cfcli