Oscar EMR Third Next Appointment command-line reporting tool
This program is a stand-alone application to determine the 3rd next available appointment based on data in an Oscar EMR database. It assumes a MySQL database and the presence of a mysql-connector-java-*.jar file in the classpath.
An example of how to compile and execute the program (after setting appropriate dbUrl, dbUser and dbPassword strings in ThirdNextAppointment.properties) is:
- javac ThirdNextAppointment.java
- java -cp ".:mysql-connector-java-3.0.11.jar" ThirdNextAppointment
The shell script ThirdNextAppointment.sh encapsulates these two commands. To run the shell script from cron, add a line to the top of the script that changes the current working directory to the location of this repo. The ThirdNextAppointment.properties must be modified to match the configuration needed. The dburl, dbuser and dbpassword settings would typically be those used for database connectivity in the Oscar EMR properties file.
The schedsymbols parameter specified in the properties file refers to the symbols present in the timecode field of Oscar's 'scheduletemplate' table. They are created at the clinic and might be described in the 'scheduletemplatecode' table. In any case, they describe the type of appointment allowed for the specified time slot. The providernums parameters are the primary key of the Oscar service 'provider' table. The apptlength parameter specifies the required length of the third next appointment. The earliest parameter specifies how far back in time third next appointments are calculated. The weekday parameter specifies for which weekday the report is calculated. For best results, the reports should be generated at the beginning of the weekday specified.
The generateReport method is based on code from Oscar's http://sourceforge.net/p/oscarmcmaster/oscar/ci/master/tree/src/main/java/oscar/oscarReport/reportByTemplate/ThirdApptTimeReporter.java written by Randy Jonasz [mailto:[email protected]]. Some code is also borrowed from http://www.tutorialspoint.com/jdbc/jdbc-sample-code.htm