released this
04 Apr 13:49
New in Release 4.7.0
Update alternator dashboard #2226
Make the default dashboard refresh interval configurable #2220
Show scylla_sstables_bloom_filter_memory_size on the detailed dashboard #2219
Update Alternator latencies histogram and summaries #2214
Combine the Advisor table with the alert table in the overview dashboard #2166
Easier method to run multiple monitoring stacks side-by-side #2164
Add ethtool metrics to Datadog integration #2163
Add tablet metrics to the detailed dashboard #2119 , #2111
Add storage-related metrics #2044
New alert - cluster in split-brain state #1677
Enhanced experience with --archive command line flag #2158 , #2177
The explanation for the unified class group graph is not clear #2178
Bug fixes
No closing parenthesis #2229
The variable $sg is not defined. #2228
Prometheus continues to trigger alerts for a node that has already been removed from scylla_servers.yml #2227
read-timeouts in the overview dashboard are breaking when no cdc metrics are reported #2193
Manager metrics are inconsistent #2191
Version information is cut - although there's plenty of space available in the panel #2189
Reads panel does not reflect shards #2171
Overview page - no data [write latency, Read timeout by DC] #2162
Manager memory metrics interfere with the OS ones #2198
The actual interval for calculating metrics is greater than the one specified in evaluation_interval. #2087
operational chagnes optionally skip alertmanager #2239
Allow an easy way to start Prometheus with protobuf support #2155
Regex for empty string |$^ in dashboards #2192
prometheus/prometheus.yml.template: set evaluation interval to 20s #2185
Improved experience when working with Archive #2177 create a file with the parameters of the last run operation #2174
remove the deprecated level label #2160
Performance and security enhencements #2154
Allow setting local network from env file #2035
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