Note: BTC payments sent from exchanges can take 10 minutes to verify, most wallets take 5 seconds.
After download you'll be directed to a register page and asked for: Username, Password, and your Gemini Keys
Simple login and backend for MP4 uploads.
Simple BTC payment system that redirects the user to the movie after a BTC payment.
Create API Keys. Select Fund Management as API key type. This allows address creation but not sending or selling of funds.
Step 1 (optional) -
Step 2 (Mandatory) -
also run apt-get install composer in step 2
Step 3 (Mandatory) -
Ok, now time to pull in the site. First we need to clean out the web directory. Only need to do this if there are files in the HTML folder
cd /var/www/html
rm *
rm .htaccess
Pull in the git
git clone .
load the dependencies and map out the files
composer install
composer dump-autoload
'config.php' contains the database connection information. Edit it to adjsut 'username', 'password', etc...
The program automatically creates a database called 'stream'. If there is already a Database with this name the program might not work.
Add SSL:
This project is licensed under the MIT License