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seliopou committed Jan 29, 2015
2 parents eebb948 + 68f332b commit df1d52d
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185 changes: 71 additions & 114 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -39,142 +39,99 @@ If you're not using OS X, the last command won't work. In that case open
system. Once the page is open, move your mouse left and right to add and remove
circles, and move your mouse up and down to change their brightness.

## Usage
## Conceptual Prerequisites

In order to effectively use elm-d3, you should be familiar with the core
concepts of D3.js, including data joins, nested selections, and reusable
charts. The following series of blog posts by [@mbostock][] introduce these
concepts quite nicely, and independently of elm-d3 should be ready by anbody
that is interested developing their D3.js skills:

At the heart of this library is the `Selection a` type. It represents a d3
selection joined with one or more values of type `a`. Just like in d3, you can
construct selections using `select` and `selectAll`, and perform operations on
selections using functions like `attr` and `style`. You can also chain those
operations together using the `chain` function or the infix operator `|.`.
Both do the same thing—in essence, method chaining.

In addition, elm-d3 allows you to bind data to a `Selection a` and specify what
should happen when you add, update, or remove data from that selection. You do
this by using the `bind` function, or the `|=` infix operator, which takes a
`Selection a` as its first argument, a function `a -> [b]` as its second, and
produces a `Widget a b`. A `Widget a b` is in essence a `Selection b` that can
be nested in a `Selection a` in a type-safe way. However, in order to chain
`Selection b`s onto a `Widget a b`, you have to use the `|-` operator. This
behaves a bit diferently than `|.` as it returns the original `Widget a b`
rather than than `Selection b` that is its second argument. You can see an
[example of this below][1].

To use a `Widget a b`, you must apply the `embed` function to it, which will
turn it into a `Selection a`.

[1]: #example

Creating a `Selection a` doesn't actually draw anything on the screen. Think of
it more along the lines of a [reusable chart][chart] that you can build up
incrementally. In order to render a `Selection a`, you have to pass it to the
`render` function somewhere within the `main` entry point of your Elm program.
* [Thinking in Joins][join]
* [Nested Selections][nest]
* [Towards Reusable Charts][chart]


### Example

Here's an example of using elm-d3 to draw two rectangles. One follows the
x-component of your mouse position, and the other follows y-component of your
mouse position. You can find this example in the `examples` directory of this
## Usage

elm-d3 is designed to be a very literal interpretation of the D3.js API. In
fact, any D3.js code that uses only the [Core Selection API][core] should be
fairly straightforward to port over to elm-d3. For example, here's a fragment
of code taken from the [Voronoi Diagram example][voronoi] ([original D3.js

module Boxes where

import D3(..)
import Mouse

size = 300
margin = { top = 10, left = 10, right = 10, bottom = 10 }
dims = { height = size - - margin.bottom
, width = size - margin.left - margin.right }

type Dimensions = { height : Float, width : Float }
type Margins = { top : Float, left : Float, right : Float, bottom : Float }

svg : Dimensions -> Margins -> Selection a
svg ds ms =
static "svg"
|. num attr "height" (ds.height + + ms.bottom)
|. num attr "width" (ds.width + ms.left + ms.right)
|. static "g"
|. str attr "transform" (translate margin.left

boxes : Widget (number, number) (number, number, String)
boxes =
selectAll ".box"
|= (\(x, y) -> [(x, 0, "cyan"), (0, y, "magenta")])
|- enter <.> append "rect"
|. str attr "class" "box"
|. num attr "width" 100
|. num attr "height" 100
|. attr "fill" (\(_, _, c) _ -> c)
voronoi : D3 [D3.Voronoi.Point] [D3.Voronoi.Point]
voronoi =
selectAll "path"
|. bind cells
|- enter <.> append "path"
|- update
|. attr "x" (\(x, _, _) _ -> show x)
|. attr "y" (\(_, y, _) _ -> show y)
|- exit
|. remove

translate : number -> number -> String
translate x y = "translate(" ++ (show x) ++ "," ++ (show y) ++ ")"

vis dims margin =
svg dims margin
|. embed boxes

main : Signal Element
main = render dims.height dims.width (vis dims margin) <~ Mouse.position
|. fun attr "d" (\ps _ -> path ps)
|. fun attr "class" (\_ i -> "q" ++ (show ((%) i 9)) ++ "-9")

It's common practice when using d3 to start building your svg document with an
initial group child element with a transform attribute to setup margins. Pass
the `svg` function a `Dimensions` record and a `Margins` record and will return
a `Selection a` that, when rendered, will do just that.

The `boxes` selection demonstrates how to do data joins in elm-d3. You setup
your initial selection using `selectAll`, and then method chain a call to
`bind`, which is like calling `.data()` in JavaScript. `bind`'s first argument
is a function that will take the data bound to the context and transform it
into a list values&dmash;in this case tuples of type `(number, number,
String)`. This list of tuples is joined to the selection. The next three
arguments are `Selection (number, number, String)`s that are applied to the
enter, update, and exit selections, respectively.

Since elm is statically typed, you have to cast values manually. For example,
`attr` will set the value of an attribute on a per-element basis, which means
you have to pass it a function that will take the data bound to the element as
well as its index, and produce a string. (All attributes on DOM elements are
strings, after all.)
Operations such as `selectAll`, `enter`, and `attr` have the same behavior as
their D3.js counterparts. The `bind` operation is equivalent to the `data()`
operator from D3.js, though it requires its argument to be a function.
Similarly, `attr` also requires a function as its second argument, which takes
the data bound to the element and the element's index in the selection. Another
difference is that elm-d3 replaces method chaining with the `|.` operator. For

attr : String -> (a -> Int -> String) -> Selection a
selectAll "path"
|. bind cells

If however, you want to set the value of an attribute to a constant number for
every element in the selection, you can't pass that number directly to `attr`.
You either have to wrap it in a function:
is equlivalent to

attr "height" (\_ _ -> 100)

Or you can use the `num` helper function before your application of `attr`
Sequencing is another operation that's slightly different in elm-d3. In Javascript,
there's a common pattern where you apply a data bound to a selection, assign it
to a variable, and then apply `enter()`, update, and `exit()` operations to the
variable. In place of sequencing, you would use the `|-` infix operator. Its
use is illustrated in the example above. You can see the equivalent code in JavaScript below.

num attr "height" 100
var path = d3.selectAll('path')
.bind(function(d) { ... });


.attr('d', function(d) { ... })
.attr('class', function(d) { ... });

There's also a `str` function that serves a similar purpose, except for string

## Rendering

`render` actually draws `Selection a` to the screen. Its first two arguments
are the height and width of the drawing area. The third is the `Selection a`
that will be renderd. The final argument is the datum of type `a` that will be
bound to the selection that will be rendered. In this case, we're getting or
datum from a signal of mouse positions. Whenever the mouse position updates,
the Elm runtime will automatically update screen to reflect those changes.
Creating a selection such as `voronoi` above does not actually draw anything to
the screen. Rather, it defines a computation that the runtime knows how to draw
to the screen. To do this, you use the `render` function. Its first two
arguments are the height and width of the drawing area. The third is the `D3 a
b` that will be renderd. The final argument is the datum of type `a` that will
be bound to the selection. The result is an `Element` that the Elm runtime
knows what to do with:

main : Element
main = render 800 600 voronoi [{x: 200, y: 200}, {x: 320, y:100}]

### Further documentation

Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions examples/Boxes.elm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ dims = { height = size - - margin.bottom
type Dimensions = { height : Float, width : Float }
type Margins = { top : Float, left : Float, right : Float, bottom : Float }

svg : Dimensions -> Margins -> Selection a
svg : Dimensions -> Margins -> D3 a a
svg ds ms =
static "svg"
|. num attr "height" (ds.height + + ms.bottom)
|. num attr "width" (ds.width + ms.left + ms.right)
|. static "g"
|. str attr "transform" (translate margin.left

boxes : Widget (number, number) (number, number, String)
boxes : D3 (number, number) (number, number, String)
boxes =
selectAll ".box"
|= (\(x, y) -> [(x, 0, "cyan"), (0, y, "magenta")])
Expand All @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ translate x y = "translate(" ++ (show x) ++ "," ++ (show y) ++ ")"

vis dims margin =
svg dims margin
|. embed boxes
|. boxes

main : Signal Element
main = render dims.height dims.width (vis dims margin) <~ Mouse.position
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions examples/Circles.elm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ dims = { height = size - - margin.bottom
type Dimensions = { height : Int, width : Int }
type Margins = { top : Int, left : Int, right : Int, bottom : Int }

svg : Dimensions -> Margins -> Selection a
svg : Dimensions -> Margins -> D3 a a
svg ds ms =
static "svg"
|. num attr "height" (ds.height + + ms.bottom)
Expand All @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ svg ds ms =

-- Move the mouse to the left to right to remove or add circles. Move the mouse
-- up and down to change the brightness of the circles.
circles : Widget (number, number) number
circles : D3 (number, number) number
circles =
selectAll "circle"
|= (\(x, y) -> repeat (x // 50) y)
Expand All @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ translate x y = "translate(" ++ (show x) ++ "," ++ (show y) ++ ")"

vis dims margin =
svg dims margin
|. embed circles
|. circles

main : Signal Element
main = render dims.width dims.height (vis dims margin) <~ Mouse.position
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions examples/Clicks.elm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ type Model = { left : Int, middle : Int, right : Int }
events : D3.Event.Stream Pos
events = ()

view : Widget Model (Pos, Int)
view : D3 Model (Pos, Int)
view =
selectAll "div"
|= (\c -> [(Left, c.left), (Middle, c.middle), (Right, c.right)])
Expand All @@ -41,4 +41,4 @@ controller =
D3.Event.folde transform initial events

main : Signal Element
main = render 900 200 (embed view) <~ controller
main = render 900 200 view <~ controller
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions examples/Counters.elm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -70,24 +70,24 @@ events = stream ()
-- The View

creator : Selection a
creator : D3 a a
creator =
static "div" <.> str attr "class" "box creator"
|. text (\_ _ -> "create counter")
|. click events (\_ _ _ -> Create)

counters : Widget Model (Int, Int)
counters : D3 Model (Int, Int)
counters =
selectAll "div.counter"
|= (\m -> List.sortBy fst (Dict.toList m.dict))
|- (enter <.> append "div"
|. str attr "class" "counter"
|^ (append "div" <.> str attr "class" "box display")
|^ (append "div" <.> str attr "class" "box increment"
|- (append "div" <.> str attr "class" "box display")
|- (append "div" <.> str attr "class" "box increment"
|. text (\_ _ -> "+"))
|^ (append "div" <.> str attr "class" "box decrement"
|- (append "div" <.> str attr "class" "box decrement"
|. text (\_ _ -> "-"))
|^ (append "div" <.> str attr "class" "box remove"
|- (append "div" <.> str attr "class" "box remove"
|. html (\_ _ -> "&#10007;")))
|- update <.> select "div.display"
|. text (\(_, d) _ -> show d)
Expand All @@ -100,11 +100,11 @@ counters =
|- exit
|. remove

view : Selection Model
view : D3 Model Model
view =
let counters' =
static "div" <.> str attr "class" "counters"
|. embed counters
|. counters
sequence creator counters'

Expand Down

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