- Shows mutual followers, non-followers and non-followings via pie chart
- Shows monthly followers via area chart
- Shows followers via data tables
- Orders by IG name, username, number of likes on your posts, number of comments on your posts
- Searchs users
- Shows followings via data tables
- Orders by IG name, username
- Searchs users
- Shows non-followers via data tables
- Orders by IG name, username
- Searchs users
- Shows non-followings via data tables
- Orders by IG name, username
- Searchs users
- Analyzes and shows potential stalkers via data tables
- Orders by IG name, username, number of likes on your posts, number of comments on your posts.
- Searchs users
- Just works with small accounts because of Instagram API limit reduced to 200
And of course you will see it all with good design: SB Admin 2 🧐
- Change DB credentials: php/conn.php
- Change IG credentials and account to be analyzed: php/instagram.php
- Import iganalyzer.sql to DB and Remove from the path