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This repository has been archived by the owner on Nov 28, 2024. It is now read-only.

No labels!

There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

bug 🐛
bug 🐛
Something isn't working
dependencies 📦
dependencies :package:
Upgrades or downgrades in dependencies
design 🎨
design :art:
Design suggestions, feedback or new components
devops 🔧
devops :wrench:
Operations management and dev tools
documentation 📖
documentation :book:
Improvements or additions to documentation
duplicate ‼️
duplicate :bangbang:
This issue or pull request already exists
feature 🚀
feature :rocket:
This is enhancing something existing or creating something new
Goal 1
Goal 1
Sprint board goal
Goal 2
Goal 2
Sprint board goal
Goal 3
Goal 3
Sprint board goal
Goal 4
Goal 4
Sprint board goal
good first issue
good first issue
Good for newcomers
help wanted
help wanted
Extra attention is needed
high priority
high priority
This has a high priority
invalid ❌
invalid :x:
This doesn't seem right
low priority
low priority
This has a low priority
medium priority
medium priority
This has a medium priority
question ❔
question :grey_question:
Further information is requested
refactoring ♻️
refactoring :recycle:
A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
Story point 1
Story point 1
Sprint board story point
Story point 2
Story point 2
Sprint board story point
Story point 3
Story point 3
Sprint board story point
Story point 5
Story point 5
Sprint board story point
Story point 8
Story point 8
Sprint board story point
Story point 13
Story point 13
Sprint board story point
Story point 21
Story point 21
Sprint board story point
tests 🧪
tests :test_tube:
Adding missing or correcting existing tests
This will not be worked on