This is a platform specific adapter for IoT.Display which enables it to run on Raspberry Pi under .Net Framework/Mono. It's based on RaspberrySharp.
open IoT.Display
open IoT.Display.RaspberrySharp
open IoT.Display.Layout
open IoT.Display.Devices
open IoT.Display.Devices.SSD1306
let main _ =
use display = SSD1306Factory.createAtI2C1 SSD1306Factory.ssd1306Address3C :> ISSD1306
|> List.iter display.SendCommand
dock [] [
dock [Dock Dock.Top] [
text [Dock Dock.Left; Margin (thicknessSame 2)] "TL"
text [Dock Dock.Right; Margin (thicknessSame 2)] "TR"
dock [Dock Dock.Bottom] [
text [Dock Dock.Left; Margin (thicknessSame 2)] "BL"
text [Dock Dock.Right; Margin (thicknessSame 2)] "BR"
text [Dock Dock.Fill; HorizontalAlignment HorizontalAlignment.Center; VerticalAlignment VerticalAlignment.Center] "Welcome!"
|> renderToDisplay display
turnOn |> display.SendCommand
IoT.Display.RaspberrySharp is licensed under the MIT license.