Cloud CA demonstration built using AWS CA Terraform Module
If cloning this repository to use as a basis for your own CA, it's essential that you:
- Update to the latest version of the CA
- Delete the CSR files in the csr directory
- Delete references to these files in and tls.json
- Replace the contents of revoked.json with an empty list
- Change the domain name listed in to one for which there's a hosted zone in your AWS account
- ECDSA Issuing and Root CA
- Public certs and CRL
- Environment:
- Certs issued from CSR files
- Revoked certificate
CDP - Root CA | CDP - Issuing CA |
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AIA - Root CA | AIA - Issuing CA |
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CA Bundle |
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- log in to the CA AWS account with your terminal using AWS CLI, e.g.
aws sso login
or set AWS environment variables - from the root of this repository:
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate (Linux / MacOS)
.venv/scripts/activate (Windows PowerShell)
pip install -r tests/requirements-dev.txt
python tests/
- you will now have a client key and certificate on your laptop at
- bundled Root CA and Issuing CA certs are also provided
terraform init -backend-config=bucket={YOUR_TERRAFORM_STATE_BUCKET} -backend-config=key=cloud-ca -backend-config=region={YOUR_TERRAFORM_STATE_REGION}
terraform plan
terraform apply