This project is a part of the curriculum for the "FromWeb2toWeb3 Blockchain Eng. Master" course offered by CodeCrypto Academy.
This repository contains instructions and code for setting up a faucet for a private Ethereum network. The faucet allows users to request and receive Ether (ETH) for testing and development purposes.
The architecture of the app is given by, see the scheme below:
App Architecture, source:
*Node Express is exposed on port 3000
Before you begin, ensure you have the following prerequisites installed:
- Docker: Install Docker to set up a local Ethereum node with the desired network configuration.
- Metamask: Ensure you have Metamask installed in your browser and configure it to connect to the Ethereum private network.
Run Docker Desktop
Open your Metamask
Set YOUR wallet direction in nodo/genesis.json and Save It
In terminal:
cd faucet-node/node
docker run --rm -it -v ${PWD}/data/keystore:/data ethereum/client-go:v1.11.5 account new --keystore /data
// Set password: 1234 (if you prefer another, remember change it also in Back module)
docker run -d -p 8545:8545 -p:30303:30303 -v ${PWD}/data:/data -v ${PWD}/genesis.json:/genesis.json --name eth-node ethereum/client-go:v1.11.5 init --datadir data /genesis.json
// Set your metamask to see the first results and if it works
docker run -d -p 8545:8545 -p:30303:30303 -v ${PWD}/data:/data --name eth-node-8888 ethereum/client-go:v1.11.5 \
--datadir data --http.api personal,admin,eth,net,web3 --http.corsdomain="*" --http --http.addr \
--http.port 8545 --mine --miner.etherbase <<YOUR_WALLET>> --miner.threads=1
Reset web explorer and Metamask
Set the NEW wallet direction in nodo/genesis.json and Save It
The new account will be the Faucet miner
Rename the file created (UTC--... for account.json) and take the new wallet address (add an 0x where you paste it (genesis and comand))
cd ..
cd back
yarn init -y
yarn add web3
yarn add express
yarn add cors
npx nodemon app.js
//new terminal
// Destiny address of the funds from faucet account
curl localhost:3000/faucet/<<Your 0x Wallet Account >>
//Refresh the cache in metamask or the entire explorer to see the balance of the new account, could take a minutes
curl localhost:3000/balance/<<Your 0x Wallet Account >>
yarn create vite faucet-front --template react
cd ..
cd faucet-front
yarn dev