MovieFlix is a sample Android app used to refine my knowledge in Android development and for fellow Android developers who are looking for projects to learn about Android development.
This project will be best for you if ur someone who are looking to learn more about android development or
Who are trying to find simpler projects to start contribution
The app usese latest android development tools and principles.
Install the apk from here 👇
- Kotlin
- Flow
- Coroutines
- LiveData
- Clean Architecture + MVVM
- DataBinding
- Hilt
- Glide
- Room
- Retrofit
- Discover new upcoming movies and show
- Offline support
- Get Random Movie Recommendation
- Can save movie in your watchlist
- Share with your family & friends
- Watch Movie Trailer
- Can Search for your favourite movies and shows
If your new to contribution and want to practice contribution you can do it here or u can raise issue if you want to make any improvements contribution guidelines
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