A Symfony2 Bundle that helps you to use the Matomo Open Analytics Platform with your project.
It contains a Twig function that can insert the tracking code into your website. Plus, you can turn it off with a simple configuration switch so you don't track your dev environment.
Simply add the following to your composer.json (see http://getcomposer.org/):
"require": {
"shapecode/matomo-bundle": "~1.0"
And enable the bundle in app/AppKernel.php
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Shapecode\Bundle\MatomoBundle\ShapecodeMatomoBundle(),
Somewhere in your views, right before the closing </body>
tag, insert
{{ matomo() }}
This will add the appropriate Matomo tracking code as described in the API reference.
You have the ability to change the config on the fly if it necessary
{{ matomo({
site_id: 1,
host_name: 'my.matomo.hostname'
host_path: '/sub_directory/',
no_script_tracking: false
}) }}
You can configure the bundle in your config.yml
. Full Example:
site_id: 1 # required, no default. site id from matomo tool
disabled: %kernel.debug% # not required, default %kernel.debug%. Usually, you only want to include the tracking code in a production environment
host_name: my.matomo.hostname # required. no default. Hostname to the matomo instance.
host_path: "/sub_directory/" # not required, default null. Path to the tracking script on the host.
no_script_tracking: true # not required, default true. Enables Image-Tracking if JavaScript is disabeld.
Copyright 2017 shapecode. Code released under the MIT license.
Original script from http://www.webfactory.de