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Releases: sharetribe/ftw-daily


28 Feb 14:33
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Changes v10.1.0

  • [change] remove the background-color from images (to allow opacity) and don't stretch small markdown images.
  • [change] improve error handling possibilities on PageBuilder.
  • [fix] had wrong asset name for terms-of-service.json
  • [change] P.js: remove the requirement for mandatory children.


14 Feb 13:07
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Changes v10.0.0

  • [add] This adds support for page asset files that can be created in Console. These asset files are
    taken into use for

    • LandingPage
    • TermsOfServicePage
    • PrivacyPolicyPage
    • AboutPage
    • and other static pages can also be created through Console (they'll be visible in route:


This adds rendering for page assets.

Rendering flow

The rendering happens in these steps (for LandingPage):

  1. defines that it needs page asset called content/pages/landing-page.json
  2. src/ducks/ fetches that asset and saves it to Redux store
  • It also calls src/util/data.js, which has code to denormalize the asset data
    (assetImage entities are by default in included part of the returned asset).
  1. LandingPage.js gets pageAssetsData as props and passes the rendering to a new component: PageBuilder
  2. PageBuilder reads the content of the page asset: sections and meta
  • "sections" (data that goes inside <body>)
  • "meta" (which is data that goes inside <head>)
  1. "meta" information is passed to <StaticPage> component, which is moved under PageBuilder directory.
  2. SectionsBuilder takes "sections" as props and continues rendering the UI components.
  • Different types of section components
    • Block components (block could also contain fields)
    • Field components

In addition to the landing page, there are similar renderings made for TermsOfServicePage and PrivacyPolicyPage
For generic page assets, the routing now contains CMSPage component (with route: /p/<page-asset-id>/)


Block component can contain a key text, which has markdown content.
This solution uses Unified and it's plugin ecosystem to render that markdown as React components.
Unified/rehype is also used by references like Gatsby.
We use these versions at this point:
"rehype-react": "^6.2.1",
"rehype-sanitize": "^4.0.0",
"remark-parse": "^9.0.0",
"remark-rehype": "^8.1.0",
"unified": "^9.2.2",

More Docs

Learn more about Pages:

Taking an update from upstream

This is causing a major version change - and you need to check the code in this PR if you experience merge conflicts. You also need to make choices about whether or not you keep your current pages (e.g. LandingPage) or start using Pages for that too.

Most of the new code changes of this PR are inside:

  • src/containers/PageBuilder/
  • The content of src/containers/LandingPage/ is swapped to use the Pages feature
    • You need to decide if you want to keep your existing LandingPage design or start using PageBuilder (and Page Editor in Console)
  • The same applies to
    • src/containers/TermsOfSerivcePage/
    • src/containers/PrivacyPolicyPage/
    • src/containers/AboutPage/
  • There are a couple of other components that also were modified a bit. E.g. Page, Footer
  • AspectRatioWrapper component was added to FTW-daily too
  • Util files updated or added:
    • data.js
    • sanitize.js
    • seo.js
    • string.js
    • types.js
  • AuthenticationPage was refactored and it had to read Terms of Service data from the new page asset.
  • Server: fetching of page asset data was taken into account there.


07 Feb 13:33
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Changes v9.1.0

  • [change] Norway's stripe config should use NOK, not EUR.

  • [delete] Update after changes in [#1555].

  • [change] Added some dependabot updates earlier: passport-0.6.0, loader-utils-2.0.4,
    Note: Passport-0.6.0 changed login and logout parameter list.

  • [change] Update Browserlist db / caniuse-lite.

  • [change] Update minimum Node version to >=16.18.0. (v14.15 had problems with some libs and v14
    support ends soon.) #1566

  • [delete] Remove unnecessary polyfills (dependencies might still use these)

    • array-includes
    • array.prototype.find
    • object.entries
    • object.values
    • Number.parseFloat, Number.parseInt, Number.isNaN


  • [add] Add the cross-env package to better support Windows command prompts


17 Oct 10:38
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Changes v9.0.2

  • [change] Add links to free Privacy Policy and Terms of Service templates


30 Aug 14:36
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Changes v9.0.1

  • [fix] Use sharetribe-scripts v6.0.1. Fixes for

    • async Redux Thunks


  • [fix] Add cookie_flags and relax google analytics domain

  • [fix] the import of customMediaQueries.css was somehow missed with these components:
    FieldReviewRating, SearchFiltersSecondary and TopbarMobileMenu.


11 Jul 11:58
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Changes v9.0.0

This is a major release since it includes a major update to sharetribe-scripts aka our fork of
Create React App.It includes major update to Webpack (v4 > v5) and PostCSS (v7 > v8). These caused
some advanced CSS syntax to be invalid - and therefore some changes must be done to CSS files.

  • CSS Property Sets are deprecated and the related file is removed from the codebase
  • The customMediaQueries.css file need to be imported into all the files, that use custom media queries.

Read more from PR: #1531

All the changes:

  • [change] sharetribe-scripts is updated to v6.0.0. This causes a new major release for FTW
    templates. Because most of the CSS files need to be updated!

  • [change] ImageCarousel uses react-image-gallery. It renders all the images early on and supports
    touch swipes. #1529

  • [fix] Fixing a small typo. #1518


19 May 14:49
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Fixes an issue with invalid characters introduced in v8.6.0

Changes v8.6.2

  • [fix] There were also invalid characters (zero-width space) on the added directive


19 May 13:37
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Fixes an issue with undefined REACT_APP_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID introduced in v8.6.0

Changes v8.6.1

  • [fix] undefined REACT_APP_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID caused an error.


19 May 11:26
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Changes v8.6.0

NOTE: There were some invalid characters etc. in the CSP file. Use v8.6.2 instead.

  • [change] Google Analytics: remove Universal Analytics and start supporting GA4.

    NOTE: you need to update the Google Analytics id to GA4's id (starting with 'G-' prefix).


  • [change] Update some outdated dependencies.


16 May 12:00
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Changes v8.5.0

  • [add] Add support for hosted translations.

    • This PR fetches "content/translation.json" from a new Asset Delivery API. The file is editable through the Flex Console.
    • It also adds all the missing translation keys to existing non-English translation files. This
      means that those files might now include messages in English.

    Read more from the pull request: #1510

  • [delete] Remove old unused translation keys.