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Create a Google Cloud infrastructure to host API endpoints that mock public Google Maps APIs for your own demos


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GCP Mock APIs Environment Deployment

This project will create infrastructure that can be used to deploy any Mock API endpoints eaisly. Currently the first mock API is the Google Maps Platform new Air Quality API. The Air Quality API retrieves air quality indexes, pollutants, and health recommendations for specific locations. This is awesome however, what if you wanted to guarantee certain air quality indexes for a specific location?

This small project is an attempt so you can use the same API specs as ( the live Air Quality API but guarantee the indexes returned. Perhaps for a demo or Proof-of-Concept, the request and return of this mock API will attempt to match the live Air Quality API JSON objects (RPC NOT SUPPORTED AT THIS TIME).


In order to deploy the Google Cloud Infrastructure and build the API service you must have the basics of a Google Cloud environment created. This includes:

  • Google Cloud Organization created
  • Billing Account created
  • Identity Access Management setup
    • A user with privileges to:
      • Create a project (at org or folder level) [Project Creator]
      • Attach the billing account [Billing Account User]
  • A linux or OSX machine in which to install the following CLIs:

The Infrastructure-As-Code portion of this project used a Google Cloud Kubernetes tooling and the application runs on a Google Cloud managed service of KNative (Cloud Run), so having knowledge of Kubernetes, KRMs, containers and YAML will come in handy.

Architecture Diagram


This deployment was written using the Kubernetes Configuration tool KPT and Kubernetes Config Connector tooling.

In order to deploy the mock api project you will need to make sure you have Config Connector up and running. I would recommend setting up a Config Controller backed by an Autopilot GKE cluster.

To make this easier you can use the Arete CLI to create a Config Controller cluster. It's also recommended to deploy the KCC-Namespaces solution.

Mock Data

On the first time the app is run it will check to see if the Firebase collection exists. The collection name is set up in the config/config.yaml file or it can be passed in using the environment variable AQ_COLLECTION-NAME. If the collection does not exist then the app will read in the file data/defaultData.csv file. This file must be a CSV and must be in the following format:


The app will create a new document for each record in the CSV file, this way the data is already loaded in prior to the first call to the mock API endpoint.

NOTE: This current version only supports english and french language codes. The default is english, if FR is passed in on the request then the service will return whatever is stored in the categorie column.

Automated Deployment

NOTE: In each infra subfolder there should be a setters.yaml file that is a symbolic link to the setters.yaml in the infra folder. If for some reason there is an error from the kpt fn render processes then make sure this slink is set up properly.

Setup Config Controller - Using Arete

Download the Arete CLI that matches your architecture from the GitHub Releases page.

Run: arete create KCC-CLUSTER-NAME

This will take a few minutes to create the GKE Cluster with Config Controller installed. Once this is complete, run arete solution deploy kcc-namespaces. The CLI will then prompt you to update some of the solutions variables.

Variable Description
management-project-id The GCP project id of were you created the config controller cluster
project-id This is the GCP project id that you want KCC to create the Mock API infra
admin-user This is the Google user or group that you wish to have admin access to submit the KRM's / resources to Config Controller

Deployment Script

There is a script in the root that will walk through setting up the Google Cloud assets.

REMINDER: Make sure that your kubectl context is pointing to the config controller instance

The deploy script takes 2 flags:

Flag Description
-p Google Cloud Project ID that already exists w/ billing. All resources will be created in this single project
-r The Google Cloud region you wish to create regional based assets in

The deploy script will attempt to perform the following actions:

  1. Download the Alpha CRDs for KCC - API Gateway and install them
  2. Uses KPT to enable all the needed Google Cloud APIs and sets up a Docker Artifact Registry
  3. Uses Cloud Build to build the AQ Mock API GO program
  4. Uses KPT to setup and deploy a cloud run service pointing to the newly build docker image
  5. Uses KPT to setup and deploy the API Gateway to point to the new Cloud Run service
  6. Enables the API Gateway managed service, creates an API Key and restricts it to the newly enabled managed service

Manaul Setup - NO KCC

Setup some environment vars

  1. Create a Google Cloud project
gcloud projects create $PROJECT_ID
  1. If not already done, assign a billing account to the new project
gcloud billing projects link $PROJECT_ID --billing-account BILLING_ACCOUNT_ID
  1. Enable the require APIS in the project
gcloud services enable --project $PROJECT_ID
  1. Create an artifact registry
gcloud artifacts repositories create REPO_NAME --location=$REGION --repository-format=docker --project=$PROJECT_ID
  1. Build the GOLANG mock API service / container
gcloud builds submit . --project=$PROJECT_ID --config=cloudbuild.yaml --substitutions=_PROJECT_ID=$PROJECT_ID,_REGION=$REGION,_VERSION=$VERSION,_REPO=$REPO
  1. Create Firestore collection
gcloud alpha firestore databases create --database=aq-mock-data --location=nam5 --type=firestore-native --project=$PROJECT_ID
  1. Create Cloud run service

    • Create Service Account

      gcloud iam service-accounts create run-service-sa --display-name="Cloud Run ServiceAccount" --project=$PROJECT_ID
    • Add Roles to SA

      gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member="serviceAccount:run-service-sa@$" --role="roles/datastore.user" --condition='"projects/$PROJECT_ID/databases/aq-mock-data"'
    • Create Cloud Run Service

      gcloud run deploy aq-mock-service --ingress=INGRESS_TRAFFIC_ALL --timeout=15 --execution-environment=gen2 --image=$$PROJECT_ID/REPO_NAME/aq-mock-api:v0.0.4 --port=8080 --cpu-boost --max-instances=10 --min-instances=1 --service-account=run-service-sa@$
  2. Get the new Cloud Run service URL

    gcloud run services describe aq-mock-service --project=$PROJECT_ID --$REGION=$REGION --format="value(status.address.url)"
  3. Create API Gateway Service Account

    gcloud iam service-accounts create api-gateway-sa --display-name="API Gateway Service Account" --project=$PROJECT_ID
    • Add Roles to SA

      gcloud iam projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member="api-gateway-sa@$" --role="roles/run.invoker"
      gcloud iam service-account add-iam-policy-binding api-gateway-sa@$ --member='user:$ADMIN_USER' --role=roles/iam.serviceAccountUser
  4. Modify the file infra/2-gateway/api-spec.yaml and after address: line add the URL you copied from above

  5. Base64 encode the entire infra/2-gateway/api-spec.yaml file

  6. Create the API Gateway

    • Create the API

      gcloud api-gateway apis create airqualityapi --project=$PROJECT_ID
    • Create the API Config

      gcloud api-gateway api-config create airquailtyapi-config --api=airqualityapi --openapi-spec="./infra/2-gateway/api-spec.yaml" --backend-auth-service-account="api-gateway-sa@$PROJECT_ID.iam.gserviceaccount.comæ --project=$PROJECT_ID
    • Create the API Gateway

      gcloud api-gateway gateways create airqualityapi-gateway --api=airqualityapi --api-config=airquailtyapi-config --location=$REGION --project=$PROJECT_ID
  7. Enable the API Gateway service

    ms=$(gcloud api-gateway apis describe airqualityapi --project=$PROJECT_ID --format='value(managedService)')
    gcloud services enable $ms --project=$PROJECT_ID
  8. Create an API Key and lock it down to the new API Gateway service

    gcloud beta services api-keys create --display-name="AQ API Key" \
    --api-target=service=$ms \
  9. Get the API Gateway URL and API KEY so you can make calls!

    echo "API GATEWAY URL"
    gcloud alpha api-gateway gateways describe airqualityapi-gateway --project=$PROJECT_ID --location=$REGION --format='value(defaultHostname)'
    echo "API KEY:"
    gcloud alpha api-gateway gateways describe airqualityapi-gateway --project=$PROJECT_ID --location=$REGION


Create a Google Cloud infrastructure to host API endpoints that mock public Google Maps APIs for your own demos




