Codebase for tree identification from satellite imagery. This code takes binary (tree vs not tree) data from images and trains/tests a CNN for automated tree detection. The annotations are derived from a point-grid overlaid on an existing image. i.e. if a given x-y location "point" overlaps a tree, a value of 1 is assigned vs 0 for no tree. User may modify grid geometry. 8/11/20
See included df_unique.pkl file for annotation data format example.
counter_cnn_lookup_table Creates a lookup table with pixel centers for the x by y grid. Used in counter_cnn1 script.
- Creates train and test splits at the IMAGE LEVEL to prep for thumbnail extraction in countr_cnn_1
- to extract grid cropped images and locate images in train/test folder Uses the pickled lookup_table.pkl file created by '' Uses the annotation dataframe file selected by user in root directory. Either df_train_val.pkl or df_test.pkl
- to train on cropped images from grid points Outputs the model to 'model.h5' in root directory
- to classify cropped images in test directory and output truth_table dataframe
- to get image level counts