<img src=“https://travis-ci.org/rackerlabs/puppet-repose.png?branch=master” alt=“Build Status” />
This module provides a re-usable and environment agnostic control of Repose Power Proxy
# Setup the basic information about the API you are putting Repose in front of $app_name = 'myapp' $api_protocol = 'https' $api_host = "api-internal.${::domain}" $api_port = '443' $api_uri = "${api_protocol}://${api_host}/${app_name}" $repose_nodes = [ "repose-n01.${::domain}", "repose-n02.${::domain}" ] # Your service account for verifying identities against keystone $auth = { 'user' => 'service_admin', 'pass' => 'somepassword', 'uri' => 'https://keystone.${::domain}/v2.0', } $client_maps = [ ".*/${app_name}/(\d+)" ] $white_lists = [ '/application\.wadl$' ] # Your http logging definitions $log_files = [ { 'id' => 'http', 'format' => 'Response Code Modifiers=%200,201U\tModifier Negation=%!401a\tRemote IP=%a\tLocal IP=%A\tResponse Size(bytes)=%b', }, ] # Your definitions for the system model $filters = { 10 => { 'name' => 'slf4j-http-logging' }, 20 => { 'name' => 'client-auth', 'uri-regex' => "/${app_name}/.*" }, 30 => { 'name' => 'default-router' }, } $endpoints = [ { 'id' => $app_name, 'protocol' => $api_protocol, 'hostname' => $api_host, 'root-path' => '', 'port' => $api_port, 'default' => true, }, ] # Bringing it all together class { 'repose::valve': } repose::filter::slf4j_http_logging { 'default': log_files => $log_files, } repose::filter::client_auth_n { 'default': auth => $auth, client_maps => $client_maps, white_lists => $white_lists, } repose::filter::system_model { 'default': app_name => $app_name, nodes => $repose_nodes, filters => $filters, endpoints => $endpoints, }
class { 'repose::valve': ensure => absent }
git clone http://github.com/rackerlabs/puppet-repose.git /etc/puppet/modules/repose
Must have:
ruby 2.1.5
rspec-core 3.1.7
puppet 3.7.4
git clone http://github.com/rackerlabs/puppet-repose.git cd puppet-repose bundle install bundle exec rake validate bundle exec rake spec
git clone http://github.com/rackerlabs/puppet-repose.git cd puppet-repose rvm use ruby-2.1.5@repose --create gem install rspec-core:3.1.7 puppet:3.7.4 rspec-puppet rspec-puppet-utils puppet puppetlabs_spec_helper puppet-lint rake --no-ri --no-rdoc rake validate rake spec
- Alex Schultz
- Greg Swift