- Put this in your Gemfile
gem "trainer_plugin", git: "https://github.com/Shkrt/trainer_plugin.git"
and then run
bundle install
- Run generators
rails g settings trainer_plugin User
where last parameter "User" should match your exact user class, e.g Profile or some other. The corresponding database table of your user class also should have fields :id and :email. Current user method should be named "current_user".
- Run migrations
rake db:migrate
- In newly generated
, enter string representation of yourUser/Profile/Account
etc. model. You should enter exactly the same string that you passed as last argument to generator.
TrainerPlugin.configure do |config|
config.user_class = "User"
#config.user_class = "Profile"
#config.user_class = "Account"
- Generators should have added these options to config/application.rb:
config.active_job.queue_adapter = :sidekiq
config.cache_store = :redis_store, "redis://localhost:6379/0/cache"
Customize this according to your setup. Redis-rails is shipped with the gem. If these variables are not set, jobs will be processed immediately.
Call track
method from any of your controller actions, passing it some message and user id:
def index
track("index action has been invoked", current_user.id)
Sidekiq worker must be launched for action tracking to work!
Page views(not clicks!) would be tracked by default.
Open the main page of engine at the mount point (e.g.
), and choose type of report and parameters, if applicable. The report graph will be generated on the same page.