Recommend response to queries based on a established query-response table
* Cosine Similarity With Tf-idf Vectors
* K-means clustering with doc2vec vectors
* Two LSTM with Tf-idf
- Create a corpus of query-response words.
- Create Count Vector for the corpus and from it Tf-idf vectors
- Iterate through training set to find example with minimum cosine distance and suggest the corresponding response.
- Create a Doc2Vec and model and train it.
- Calculate sentence vectors of Queries from trained model
- Perform K-Means Clustering on trained data.
- Give corresponding response of the queries in which test query belongs to.
Link to paper on the two LSTM approach
The purpose of the extension is so that it sends a POST request of a highlited text(in our case the query for which response is requires) to our server which inturn gives back the suggested response.