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276 lines (229 loc) · 5.7 KB

File metadata and controls

276 lines (229 loc) · 5.7 KB

Charon API

A list of objects, functions and operators.

WARNING: Under construction!

Library functions

  • def
  • def-impure
  • let
  • apply
  • if
  • try
  • catch
  • do
  • for
  • fn
  • ...
  • +
  • -
  • /
  • *
  • ^
  • =
  • <>
  • >
  • <
  • >=
  • <=
  • and
  • or
  • not
  • nand
  • nor
  • xor
  • -> Threads each result of the call to the rightmost argument of the next function.
; Example of usage for (->)
(-> 5
  (+ 1)
  (- 2))
; Translates to
(- 2 (+ 1 5))
  • <- Like the thread-right macro, but passes to the leftmost argument.
  • ->> The multiple application macro passes the first element as rightmost element of all function calls and stores each result in a vector.
; Example
(->> 1 (+ 2) (- 2))
; Translates to
[(+ 2 1) (- 2 1)]
  • <<- Like the multiple application macro (right version), but passes the element to the leftmost place.
  • str Creates a new string concatenating all elements stringified.
; Example
  (str "Hello " "world!")
  "Hello world!")
  • range Generates a paired iterable object.
  • import
  • def-value
  • def-extern
  • when
  • unit
  • true
  • false
  • some?
  • or?
  • >>=
  • atom
  • apply Calls the reference function (First argument) and passes the second list argument as the list of arguments of the function.
; Example of apply:
(def args [1 2 3])
(def x (apply + args))
; Same as doing
(def x (+ 1 2 3))
  • call Calls the reference function (First argument) and passes the rest of the passed arguments.
; Example of call
(def x (call + 1 2))
; Is the same as doing:
(def x (+ 1 2))
  • opaque-call
  • println
  • print
  • file/open
  • file/close
  • file/write
  • file/read

Module system

Charon lang modules are exported tables. To maximize the interop between pure Lua modules and Charon modules, Charon exports a table with all public objects, either functions or variables, with their names untouched.

The same goes when importing, the import macro will bind to a private local variable the imported module. The macro also has the option to deconstruct the object and assign it's fields.

; Imports the whole table
(import module :from "module")
(println! (+ (object/get module "a") module::b module::c))

; Or just the needed fields
(import [a b c] :from "module")
(println! (+ a b c))

At the moment there is no metadata field exported from modules, but it will have in a future.

Modules will tell if the exported object has a known type, if it is callable or not and the purity in case of callable objects, even attached metadata and docstring.

(def a-func [a b]
  "It sums"
  (+ a b))
;; Other module
(import [a-func] :from "a-module")
(def-value :no-export a-func-meta (object/get-meta a-func))
(println! "a-func:" a-func-meta::docstring)
(println! "a-func purity:" a-func-meta::pure?)

That's a practical example of how to make a runtime read of the module's metadata, not implemented yet!.

Library objects and collections


Methods related:

  • string/byte
  • string/char
  • string/dump
  • string/find
  • string/format
  • string/gmatch
  • string/gsub
  • string/len
  • string/lower
  • string/match
  • string/rep
  • string/reverse
  • string/sub
  • string/upper


(Formerly known as vector)

A list is a collection of contiguous, integer-indexed elements.

; Example of creation
(def-value v [1 2 3 4])

Methods related:

  • list/map
  • list/each
  • list/get
  • list/filter
  • list/merge
  • list/append
  • list/prepend
  • list/drop
  • list/drop-left
  • list/len
  • list/reduce
  • list/has? Returns true if the element was found, false otherwise.
  • list/find Returns the element if the test function returns true, unit otherwise.


A table is a collection of arbitrarily keyed objects. This means that a table's key can be anything, even unit!

To create a new table use the literal {}.

; Example
(def-value my-table
  { :hello "World"
    :use "symbols for keys, usually."
    55 "But you can really use anything"

Methods related:

  • table/get
  • table/get?
  • table/remove
  • table/merge


Atoms are special objects dedicated to the state mutation. Atoms hold an internal state that can be read with atom/get and mutated with atom/reset! or atom/apply!.

Therefore all read/write operations to an atom are impure.

(let [count (atom 0)]
  (atom/reset! count 1)
  (atom/apply! count + 1)
  (println "count = " (atom/get count)))

Methods related:

  • atom/get
  • atom/reset!
  • atom/apply!


Planned feature.

Represents an arbitrary data tree with associated methods, but in distinction of an object it can ensure purity.


An object is anything that is not a primitive, or a standard collection. The underlying implementation is a any Lua table, and is the primary method for interacting with existing Lua codebase.

; Creates a new Lua table, keys are not symbols but strings (Plain old Lua).
(def-value my_second_object
    { :some_field "Hey"
      :some_other 539

Related methods:

  • object/new
  • object/new-raw
  • object/get
  • object/set


Unit is a singleton object which contains no data. Acts like null in other languages, but it's a single object that can be referenced.

This means that there is a distinction between no-value (unit) and non-existent reference or variable, which has no type in Charon but would translate to nil in Lua.

All that has no value will return unit in charon (including void methods). Unit can be used as a key for indexing a table, which is different from not having the entry at all.