A progressive Webapp (to-do-list), createt as part of the module mobile web applicaton.
- node.js
Clone --> npm install --> node server.js
or if you want the server to restart after each change, install Nodemon first:
Clone --> npm install --> npm i nodemon -g --> nodemon run
The app works offline as good as online; however, if the page is reloaded offline the service worker somehow doesn't react after sync events anymore --> reinstall service worker
If the app doesn't work as you've expected follow these steps
- Clear your cache
- Clear your IndexDB
- Clear local storage
if that doesn't help uninstall the service worker and refresh the page!
The App has been tested with Chrome!
!Attention the connection has to be https! You can find a live Version on HEROKU
- Node.js
- Bootstrap
See the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details