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GBL Track Resolution Calculator


Calculator class for telescope track resolution using the General Broken Lines formalism.

This small collection of scripts provides a simple interface for the simulation of telescope resolutions including the effects of multiple scattering in the telescope planes and the surrounding air.


  • Error propagation of track extrapolation uncertainty using GBL
  • Includes scattering in material, estimated via the PDG Highland formula
  • Automatically accounts for air between the telescope planes
  • Allows to exchange the volume material considered for scattering (Air, vacuum, Helium...)
  • Automatic placement of the thin scatterers at correct positions
  • Planes ordered automatically in z for correct GBL trajectory building
  • Radiation length for some common materials are defined in utils/materials.h
  • The scattering is correctly treated by using the total scattering material of the track and weighting the individual scatterer contributions with their respective material budget.
  • Allows for inclusion of 'unknown scatterers', for which the material budget can be determined from unbiasd kinks at the unknown scatterer.


LXPLUS / CERN machine with CVMFS

If you are running this on a CERN machine with access to CVMFS (such as LXPLUS), all dependencies are already present. Simply do

$ source
$ mkdir build; cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make

and you are done.

Installation from scratch

First, the dependencies need to be installed, namely ROOT, GBL and Eigen3.

  • Install and source ROOT (from, either ROOT5 or ROOT6 will work fine.

  • Install GBL (from

    git clone
    cd general-broken-lines/cpp/
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ..
    make install
  • Export the GBL library path:

    export GBLPATH=/path/to/gbl/installation

    If you exactly follow the above description for GBL installation, it will simply be

    cd ../
    export GBLPATH=`pwd`
  • Clone and compile the GBL Track Resolution Calculator:

    cd ../
    git clone && cd resolution-simulator/
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake ..

    All binaries are now in the build directory under build/devices/

Prepare your own telescope simulation

  • All telescope assemblies are stored in the devices directory.
  • Take one of the provided examples, adapt it to your needs and simply store the .cc file in the devices directory. CMake will automatically create a build target and compile an executable with the same name as the source file.
  • Have a look at the devices/ example for some explanatory comments on how to build the telescope assembly.

Further instructions and hints

  • The resolution can only be evaluated at a previously defined plane. This can either be a plane with measurements and scatterer, only a scatterer, an unknown scatterer, or a plane with no material attached. They can be defined as follows:

    gblsim::plane measurement(position, material, TRUE, resolution); - plane with measurement and scattering material

    gblsim::plane scatterer(position, material, FALSE); - plane with scattering material but no measurement

    gblsim::plane unknown(position, size); - plane with unknown and t.b.d. scattering material but no measurement

    gblsim::plane reference(position, 0, FALSE); - plane with zero material and no measurement (simple reference point)

  • The material budget is always given as fractions of radiation lengths. Thus, divide your material thickness by its radiation length, and add up different materials as linear sum, e.g.

    // MIMOSA26 telescope planes consist of 50um silicon plus 2x25um Kapton foil:
    double MIM26 = 50e-3 / X0_Si + 50e-3 / X0_Kapton;
  • The resolution should always be given as intrinsic resolution of the respective sensor in units of millimeter.

  • The constructor of the telescope class takes the radiation length of the surrounding volume as optional parameter:

    telescope(std::vector<gblsim::plane> planes, double beam_energy, double material = X0_Air);

    It defaults to the radiation length of dry air but can be replaced with other materials or with vacuum (X0 = 0) for comparison.

  • getResolution(plane) returns the track resolution at the given plane in [um].

  • getKinkResolution(plane) should only be used at "unknown" planes and returns the angular kink resolution at the given plane.

License and Citation

This software is published under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 (LGPLv3). Please refer to the file for more information.

If you use this software for your scientific research, please cite it as

S. Spannagel and H. Jansen, GBL Track Resolution Calculator v2.0, 2016. doi:10.5281/zenodo.48795