PancakeSwap is an automated market maker (“AMM”) that allows two tokens to be exchanged on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). It is fast, cheap, and allows anyone to participate.
This repo is responsible for the exchange/pool interfaace of the AMM:
Install packages
Start application
yarn start
To change the BSC network from test net, modify the REACT_APP_CHAIN_ID
value in .env
Firstly, if you need to install cypress
yarn cypress install
Then to run the Cypress suite in CLI
yarn cypress run
Or, to run Cypress with its GUI
yarn cypress open
In order for the Crowdin API queries to work - you will need REACT_APP_CROWDIN_APIKEY
env variables set in your root .env.development.local
file - please contact a dev if you need these.
There are two methods for adding translations, both are valid, and it depends on the context in which you are trying to implement the translation as to which you should use.
If you need to translate a string that exists within another string, i.e:
<span>I need to translate this bit of the span. I don't need to translate this second sentence.</span>
Or, a string that is being passed into a component as props, i.e.:
<Component label="This text need translated" />
Then you should make use of the TranslateString
method within translateTextHelpers
It takes in the translationId
(found in Crowdin) as the first argument, and a string of fallback text as the second argument, which is rendered if the translation isn't found,
import { TranslateString } from '../translateTextHelpers'
;<StyledLink>🍯 {TranslateString(282, 'SYRUP Pool')}</StyledLink>
import { TranslateString } from '../translateTextHelpers'
;<Button text={`🔓 ${TranslateString(292, 'Unlock Wallet')}`} />
This is a simple abstraction of the TranslateString
method, wrapping it within a React Component - this can be a visually simpler pattern, if you are wanting to translate standalone piece of text.
It takes in a translationId
prop and whatever is passed as {children}
is used for the fallback, i.e.:
<StyledLink to="/farms">
<TranslatedText translationId={278}>Farm</TranslatedText>
<StyledLink to="/staking">
<TranslatedText translationId={280}>Staking</TranslatedText>
The translation component can handle variables being passed in from Crowdin, with no code changes.
It will only work if there is only one variable passed in, and if that variable within Crowdin is wrapped in % signs, i.e.:
Translation in crowdin: %asset% Earned
<Label text={TranslateString(330, 'CAKE Earned')} />