This behavior provides the algorithm of rank hotness with Newton's law of cooling explained by Evan Miller.
You can use it to rate comments or blog posts. Listing active discussion threads in an online forum.
Read this article Rank Hotness With Newton's Law of Cooling for more details.
Package is available on Packagist, you can install it using Composer.
composer require sizeg/yii2-newton-cool-ranking-behavior
- Yii2 (testing with 2.8, but should work with lower versions)
Create migration,
public function up()
// [[NewtonCoolRankingBehavior::$rankAttribute]]
$this->addColumn('{{%tableName}}', 'rank', $this->float());
// [[NewtonCoolRankingBehavior::$rankTimeAttribute]]
// By default time update with result of php time() function
// For example we will use DateTime instead of UnixTimestamp
$this->addColumn('{{%tableName}}', 'rankTime', $this->datetime());
// [[NewtonCoolRankingBehavior::$rankBoostAttribute]]
// This field is optional
$this->addField('{{%tableName}}', 'rankBoost', $this->float());
Add behavior to your ActiveRecord model,
class Item extends \yii\base\ActiveRecord
public function behaviors()
return \yii\helpers\ArrayHelper::merge(parent::behaviors(), [
'class' => 'sizeg\newtoncoolranking\NewtonCoolRankingBehavior',
// optional params
'initial' => 1000,
'coolingRate' => 150,
'timeValue' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), // can be a callback function
By default the new model would have [[NewtonCoolRankingBehavior::$initial]] value and will cooling with [[NewtonCoolRankingBehavior::$coolingRate]].
When there is new activity on an model, you need update rank,
/** @var ActiveRecord $model */
Sometimes you need one or more models to show in top for a few days, then you need to boost it.
Boost value will be received from model [[NewtonCoolRankingBehavior::$rankBoostAttribute]] field. If field doesn't exist, the value will be received from optional [[NewtonCoolRankingBehavior::$boost]] attribute.
/** @var ActiveRecord $model */