Thumblr is an app that provides an abstraction to deal with images throughout the storefront project. The image below illustates the components involved.
The upload interface is accepts files as an input.
It takes care of the following steps:
- The original file gets uploaded to S3
- A renamed hash is generated based on the contents of the file
- Relevant information about the file is saved to the database
- The file is served via cloudfront with a far future expire
The table in which such data is saved have the following main attributes:
class Image(models.Model):
content_object = model.GenericForeignKey()
image_hash = model.CharField()
hashed_image_in_storage = model.ImageField(storage=s3)
image_in_storage = model.ImageField(storage=s3)
is_main = model.BooleanField()
order_number = model.PositiveInteger()
The images could then be retrieved using a simple query like:
Images.objects.filter(content_type='articles', object_id=article_id, site_id=site_id)
Such a system allow us to save any type of file.
###Template tags {% load thumblr_tags %}
<img src='{% thumblr 'boots.jpg' size='original' content_type_name='image' %}' />
{% load thumblr_tags %}
{% thumblr_imgs size='original' as imgs %}
{% for img_url in imgs %}
<img src='{{ img_url }}' />
{% endfor %}
Main purposes are covered with use cases, data should be provided with dto's
, ImageUrlSpec
. All this available from root package thumblr
import thumblr
thumblr.ImageMetadata(file_name='photo.jpg', ...)
images_dtos = thumblr.get_all_images(
thumblr.ImageMetadata(object_id=1, content_type_id=1)
thumblr.ImageMetadata(object_id=1, content_type_id=1, size_slug='original'),
Uploaded file by itself should be provided as django File. ImageMetadata - is a silver bullet of thumblr app. It represents file data (returned by add_image, get_all_images, etc.), with it you could specify a filter from get_all_images.
There also couple of utils for image processing:
- Cropping, thumbnailing, watermarking, bubbles, ...
All this is placed in thumblr.image_processing
. To prepare image for processing you may need functionality to convert
ImageMetadata to Pillow Image and vice versa to work further. This functions are available in thumblr.image_processing.context_mapping
####Installation First ensure that you have a valid ssh keys. Than install the application with:
pip install git+ssh://[email protected]/unisport/thumblr.git
Add thumblr to installed apps:
INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'django_tables2', 'thumblr', )
Add to settings
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = os.environ.get('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', '') AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = os.environ.get('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', '') AWS_THUMBLR_BUCKET = os.environ.get('AWS_THUMBLR_BUCKET', 'thumblr-testing')
TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = ( ... 'django.core.context_processors.request', )
Add environment variables related to AWS and S3 bucket
Add admin to urls. In this case you will be able to add image sizes
url(r'^admin/', include(,
urlpatterns = patterns('image_tiles', url(r'^create/$', views.create_tile, {'template_name': 'create_tile.html'}, name='create_tile'),