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Confluent Bootcamp conform terraform scripts and configuration file.

This Terraform script should be run on your local computer/laptop as part of the CP bootcamp. The script will create a range of instances that will then be populated via cp-ansible with a Confluent cluster.


Clone this repository if not already done so.

    cp terraform.tfvars.template terraform.tfvars
    vi terraform.tfvars # you can also use nano or any another editor
    terraform init
    terraform plan      # this is just for verification and optional
    terraform apply

The output can be recalled with the command

    terraform output


This file has three sections:

Change these

owner-email = "[email protected]"
owner-name = "Sven Erik Knop"
dns-suffix = "your nickname here"
key-name = "bootcamp-emea-key"
purpose = "Bootcamp EMEA"
cflt_managed_id = "sven"
cflt_service = "EMEA"

dns-suffix will be used to give each instance a symbolic name in the DNS server of AWS, Route53. For example, with this entry

dns-suffix = "sven"

entries in the form


will be created.

Adjust these to your trainer's instructions

region = "eu-west-1"
aws-ami-id = "ami-09152cf3ca0526d32"

hosted-zone-id = "Z031101315QZYPTJNNUTX"
internal-vpc-security-group-id = "sg-0da2df059c6a02c99"
external-vpc-security-group-id = "sg-0a162b57a7fc4fc6b"
vpc-id = "vpc-08bdc92a356608549"
availability-zones = ["eu-west-1a", "eu-west-1b", "eu-west-1c"]
private-subnet-ids = ["subnet-0a0a2d1df91e307d9", "subnet-0c9e93e3d38a504f9", "subnet-0b912f5655f9b853e"]
public-subnet-ids = ["subnet-0ab31422173f09594", "subnet-0374dbf2e1013cded", "subnet-0e60f504f82eb58d7",]

zk-count = 0
controller-count = 3
broker-count = 3
connect-count = 2
schema-count = 2
rest-count = 0
ksql-count = 2
c3-count = 1

create-monitoring-instances = true

These entries should be populated with the output of bootcamp-vpc, either your own VPC or the one shared with you by your instructor or colleague who created the bootcamp VPC.

Leave these alone unless you know what you are doing

The following regions need to change instances t3a --> t3, because t3a is not available in that region yet

  • Hyderabad (ap-south-2)

  • Spain (eu-south-2)

  • UAE (me-central-1)

    zk-instance-type = "t3a.medium" controller-instance-type = "t3a.medium" broker-instance-type = "r5.xlarge" schema-instance-type = "t3a.medium" connect-instance-type = "t3a.large" rest-instance-type = "t3a.medium" c3-instance-type = "r5.xlarge" ksql-instance-type = "t3a.large" client-instance-type = "t3a.large" prometheus-instance-type = "t3a.medium" grafana-instance-type = "t3a.medium"

The instances sizes are usually sufficient for a one-week CP bootcamp. Keep in mind that if you increase the sizes, you will incur higher costs in AWS.


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