Confluent Bootcamp conform terraform scripts and configuration file.
This Terraform script should be run on your local computer/laptop as part of the CP bootcamp. The script will create a range of instances that will then be populated via cp-ansible with a Confluent cluster.
Clone this repository if not already done so.
cp terraform.tfvars.template terraform.tfvars
vi terraform.tfvars # you can also use nano or any another editor
terraform init
terraform plan # this is just for verification and optional
terraform apply
The output can be recalled with the command
terraform output
This file has three sections:
owner-email = "[email protected]"
owner-name = "Sven Erik Knop"
dns-suffix = "your nickname here"
key-name = "bootcamp-emea-key"
purpose = "Bootcamp EMEA"
cflt_managed_id = "sven"
cflt_service = "EMEA"
will be used to give each instance a symbolic name in the DNS server of AWS, Route53. For example,
with this entry
dns-suffix = "sven"
entries in the form
will be created.
region = "eu-west-1"
aws-ami-id = "ami-09152cf3ca0526d32"
hosted-zone-id = "Z031101315QZYPTJNNUTX"
internal-vpc-security-group-id = "sg-0da2df059c6a02c99"
external-vpc-security-group-id = "sg-0a162b57a7fc4fc6b"
vpc-id = "vpc-08bdc92a356608549"
availability-zones = ["eu-west-1a", "eu-west-1b", "eu-west-1c"]
private-subnet-ids = ["subnet-0a0a2d1df91e307d9", "subnet-0c9e93e3d38a504f9", "subnet-0b912f5655f9b853e"]
public-subnet-ids = ["subnet-0ab31422173f09594", "subnet-0374dbf2e1013cded", "subnet-0e60f504f82eb58d7",]
zk-count = 0
controller-count = 3
broker-count = 3
connect-count = 2
schema-count = 2
rest-count = 0
ksql-count = 2
c3-count = 1
create-monitoring-instances = true
These entries should be populated with the output of bootcamp-vpc, either your own VPC or the one shared with you by your instructor or colleague who created the bootcamp VPC.
The following regions need to change instances t3a --> t3, because t3a is not available in that region yet
Hyderabad (ap-south-2)
Spain (eu-south-2)
UAE (me-central-1)
zk-instance-type = "t3a.medium" controller-instance-type = "t3a.medium" broker-instance-type = "r5.xlarge" schema-instance-type = "t3a.medium" connect-instance-type = "t3a.large" rest-instance-type = "t3a.medium" c3-instance-type = "r5.xlarge" ksql-instance-type = "t3a.large" client-instance-type = "t3a.large" prometheus-instance-type = "t3a.medium" grafana-instance-type = "t3a.medium"
The instances sizes are usually sufficient for a one-week CP bootcamp. Keep in mind that if you increase the sizes, you will incur higher costs in AWS.