This is an R-shiny interface for the statnet suite of R packages. It currently incorporates functionality from the ergm, network and sna packages, allowing users to fit and assess exponential random graph models via GUI.
Run the app in two ways:
- Through the shinyapps server with this link:
- On your own machine using the statnetWeb R package:
statnetWeb wiki:
statnet wiki:
statnet packages on CRAN:
- Conditional uniform graph test histograms in Network Descriptives
- Descriptions of built-in networks
- Minor bug fixes
- Fix bug from v0.3.2 preventing built-in networks from loading
- Prevent calls to search.ergmTerms() from printing to the console
- App is compatible with Shiny v0.11.1.9002 (we have a new look!)
- Only .rds files supported when saving and uploading from the R environment.
- Issue solved where GOF plots from directed networks were not appearing.
- Issue with uploading edge values solved.
- Improved method of saving user-entered attributes
- Bug in uploading relational data saved as R object is fixed
- "Fit Model" button is closer to summary statistics
- User can add terms to formula by pressing Enter key
- User is not allowed to color code degree distribution of total degree for directed networks (in- and out-degree distributions are allowed)
- Title of application is incorporated into title of first tab
- Prevented error in viewing GOF comparison when no models are saved
- New color palettes for attributes with more than nine levels
- Access term documentation within Fit Model page
- Customize MCMC control parameters when fitting a model or simulating from a model
- Save up to five different models for a single network
- Compare coefficients and AIC/BIC scores across models
- Switch between models when looking at MCMC Diagnostics, GOF and Simulations
- Compare GOF plots across saved models in a comprehensive chart
- Plot simulation statistics compared to target statistics
- Arrow icons for page navigation