- add nginx to use it for microcaching and ssl. [Thomas Merkel]
- add some basic mysql checks we would like to have. [Thomas Merkel]
- allow munin to query mysql for statistics. [Thomas Merkel]
- add proftpd munin monitoring. [Thomas Merkel]
- use logadm for proftpd logfile. [Thomas Merkel]
- create logfiles for proftpd. [Thomas Merkel]
- add more munin plugins for apache monitoring. [Thomas Merkel]
- add more proftpd scripts for monitoring. [Thomas Merkel]
- add listen for status page for munin. [Thomas Merkel]
have a working and running quickbackup-percona. [Thomas Merkel]
Only setup quickbackup with username and password once. We should also
enable the backup by default. -
we require percona56-xtrabackup for doing backups. [Thomas Merkel]
open phpMyAdmin in new tab. [Thomas Merkel]
remove old apache configs for image. [Thomas Merkel]
- new version update and base image. [Thomas Merkel]
- use upgrade with pkg_add. [Thomas Merkel]
- Force our apache version to be installed (because of an SSL memoryleek fix) [Thomas Merkel]
- respawn threads to combat memory leaks. [Sebastian Wiedenroth]