This plugin uses the from to be able to use ranges for warning and critical thresholds.
./check_snmp_proc -H -C public -N ssh -w 3 -c 0
-H hostname /string/
Name or IP address of host (default
-C OID /string/
Community name for the host SNMP agent (default public)
-N Process name /string/
Exact process name (default snmpd)
-w warning level /integer/
Warning level of running processes (default: 0)
-c critical level /integer/
Critical level of running processes (default: 0)
-m minimum level /integer/
Minimum level for performance data (default: 0)
-M maximum level /integer/
Maximum level for performance data (default: 100)
-h help
Print this help screen
-V version number
Print version and license information </dd>
This plugin uses the 'snmpwalk' command included with the NET-SNMP package.
This nagios plugins comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. So, enjoy ;)
object CheckCommand "snmp_proc" {
import "plugin-check-command"
command = [ PluginGitDir + "/" ]
arguments = {
"-H" = {
value = "$snmp_proc_host$"
description = "Name or IP address of host (default but overwritten by address)"
required = false
skip_key = false
order = 1
"-C" = {
value = "$snmp_proc_community$"
description = "Community name for the host SNMP agent (default public)"
required = false
skip_key = false
order = 2
"-N" = {
value = "$snmp_proc_name$"
description = "Exact process name (default snmpd)"
required = false
skip_key = false
order = 3
"-w" = {
value = "$snmp_proc_warning$"
description = "Warning level of running processes (default: 0)"
required = false
skip_key = false
order = 4
"-c" = {
value = "$snmp_proc_critical$"
description = "Critical level of running processes (default: 0)"
required = false
skip_key = false
order = 5
"-m" = {
value = "$snmp_proc_min$"
description = "Minimum for performance data (default: 0)"
required = false
skip_key = false
order = 6
"-M" = {
value = "$snmp_proc_max$"
description = "Maximum for performance data (default: 100)"
required = false
skip_key = false
order = 7
vars.snmp_proc_host = "$address$"
apply Service for (snmp_proc => config in host.vars.snmp_proc) {
import "generic-service"
check_command = "snmp_proc"
display_name = config.display_name
if (config.groups) {
groups = config.groups
if (config.check_interval) {
check_interval = config.check_interval
if (config.retry_interval) {
retry_interval = config.retry_interval
if (config.max_check_attempts) {
max_check_attempts = config.max_check_attempts
vars += config
object Host "snmphost.test" {
import "generic-host"
display_name = "SNMP Test Host"
address = ""
vars.snmp_proc[ "service_name" ] = {
display_name = "Check SNMP service via SNMP process list"
# snmp_proc_community = "public"
snmp_proc_name = "snmp"
snmp_proc_warning = "40"
snmp_proc_critical = "40"
# check_interval = 10m
# retry_interval = 10m
max_check_attempts = 1