Major changes
Complete changelog
#337 - Avoid requesting individual items if the first request in requesting Long.MAX
#336 - Pluggable ThreadContext from the context propagation interceptors
#334 - Bump mockito-core from 3.5.13 to 3.5.15
#333 - Bump smallrye-config from 1.9.1 to 1.9.2
#330 - Homogenise method names in the AssertSubscriber and the UniAssertSubscriber
#329 - Fix a race condition between onSubscribe / cancel / on{Item,Failure}
#327 - Add tests verifying the correctness of inner merge and concat when the emission are done on different threads
#325 - Missing upstream cancellation on back pressure failure
#324 - Uni.replaceWithNull and UniOnFailure.recoverWithNull
#323 - Add support for onItem().failWith
#318 - overload transform / transformToUni / transformToMulti
#317 - recoverWithNull() and replaceWithNull()
#313 - Memoization group
#312 - Alternative design for UniCache
#231 - Provide the possibility to invalidate a cached Uni
You can’t perform that action at this time.