Actions (#124 )
Actions (#123 )
Actions (#122 )
Actions (#121 )
Actions (#120 )
run on updated release (#119 )
Actions (#118 )
update (#117 )
Actions (#116 )
Actions (#115 )
add github action (#114 )
closes 84. hipmemset (#113 )
closes 59. hipmemcpy (#110 )
closes 49. hipextmallocwithflags (#107 )
closes 105. cleanup MemoryPointer (#106 )
closes 21. hipsetdevice (#104 )
closes 48. hipmalloc (#101 )
closes #99 . 'runtime/ imports HipErrorKind' (#100 )
project restructure
closes #6 . hipdevicegetbypcibusid (#18 )
closes #5 . Adds hipdevicegetpcibusid() (#17 )
closes #4 . hipdevicegetp2pattribute (#16 )
closes #13 . 'revert inititaliz() to original. get_device_uuid_bytes is now private' (#15 )
closes #3 hipdevicegetuuid (#14 )
2 hipdevicegetname (#12 )
closes #1 . add runtime_get_version() (#9 )
7 hipdevicetotalmem (#8 )
'use .to_result(), Luke!'
'add semver crate. get_device_compute_capability() returns Result'
'update Version constructor'
'add Version type. Add get_device_compute_capability()'
remove initialize error test
'print in test_initialize_error()'
'experiments with initialize()'
'set_device() returns Result'
'use from_kind()'
'update HipError constructor'
'initialize() catches panic'
'update init tests'
'remove test mock'
'update all tests'
'update tests'
'get_device. back to original return'
'get_device. update signature'
:get_device(). declare device_id as -1
'update runtime::get_device()'
use result and error types
'.expect() consumes result'
'use HipErrorKind'
'hip error codes to u32'
'add error and result types'
'remove test'
'add test_device_count_without_init'
'fix path to runtime wrapper'
'restructure project'
You can’t perform that action at this time.